
JSPG Exams Over

Took my JSPG exams yesterday, the paper was easy. So much easier compared to the mid term test. I think the lecturer is helping us. It is a 2 hour paper, but most of us took less than 2 hours.

After exams went to Clementi for dinner. Lester Goh drove, so I took his car. He drive super fast, imagine 4 people lives in his hand. But then it was quite exciting and can’t complain much because it is a free ride. If not next time no more ride for me! =p

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Written Programming Exams

These 2 days, have been slacking even though my JSPG exams is tomorrow. I just hate written programming exams, especially the theory part. Like for example how many JDBC drivers are there. Who really cares about those stuffs. And we are suppose to test on Java Server Pages not damm bloody Java GUI. Lazy programmer like me will use designer for the GUI and not code it.

Went for my 12th driving lesson today, basically today I just keep turning right and right. LOL. Went to meet up with Serene and Lester Goh to study for JSPG at Galeria Cafe(not sure of the spelling) in Popular Bookstore at Chua Chu Kang after my driving. Spent $10 bucks on ham and cheese sandwich and Banana Smoothie. Expensive! Luckily there is no such cafe near my area, if not I am going to be broke as I think most of the time I will patronize it. LOL

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Lei Garden Tim Sum

Yesterday went for my last lesson for the semester, ELIT lecture. The lecturer give some tips on ELIT exams, so is very important. Damm scared of ELIT exams, the paper weightage is 70% and the paper is all about memory work. The more free space you have in your brain, the higher marks you get. I hate this type of exams, how many people will still remember all these information after the exams is over. This is sooooo crap.

Went to present my FYP to my client together with some parents at Health Promotion Board, just need some touching up and changes if there is any from the client and wala. It is completed.

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Happy Deepavali

Hope is not too late to wish all Indians a Happy Deepavali.

Yesterday went for my 11th driving lesson, which is in the night. At night there is much more cars than in the day and I thought it should be the opposite. Guess I going to complete stage 2 of the driving soon, there are a total of 5 stages.

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FYP Presentation

Had my GAME test yesterday, rushed through the test and I finished it within an hour even though it is a 2 hour paper. LOL

My FYP presentation yesterday was not that good as compared to the Interim presentation. Our project supervisor said that the presentation was not that good but the demonstration was ok. But we feel vice versa. The whole session should be around 90 minutes but we took less than 60 minutes to finish the whole thing. Suppose to have hands on but all the judges doesn’t want hands on.

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Final Year Project Handed In

Finally handed in our Final Year Project which consists of about 400 pages of documentations, poster design and the source code. All our hardwork for the past 16 weeks finally paid off. Even though the at the start of the FYP, we faced quite a number of problems, we still managed to finish everything on time, and that is a very good achievement for us.

Tomorrow will be FYP presentation at 11am, but before that I will be taking my GAME exams till 10.30am. I hope the paper is easy so that I can leave early and have 1 final rehearsal for my presentation.

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Final Year Project Due Soon

Went for my ELIT excursion to CID, Technology Crime Division on Saturday. Basically I did not learn much from it. Was hoping that they will show a demo on how they trace hackers but sad to say, it is confidential and they cannot show it. Actually I am quite interested in the job scope but there is no direct entry to it, you need to work as a policeman for 5 years and they will head hunt you. If I want, I can sign on in army for 5 years. But then I don’t think being a policeman is what I want even though the benefits is very attractive.

My group members came my house after that, did FYP till in the night. We had pizza for dinner. Long time since I ate pizza.

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Weekends Burned

3 days didn’t update my blogs. The past 3 days was extremely busy for me. Busy with my FYP and busy helping my friends out with their JSPG assignments.

But luckily now most of these things are over. Just 2 more days to my FYP deadline. And the best part of it is that on my FYP final presentation day on Tuesday, 21st October 2003, I have my GAME test from 8.30am to 10.30am and from 11am to 12.30pm is my FYP presentation time slot. Very very stress up. Don’t even know whether there is enough time for me to study for my GAME test.

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JSPG Assignment Submitted

Just Submitted my JSPG Assignment – Online Auction, even though there are some weird bugs like IllegalStateException and ResultSet Closed. I have really no idea how to solve it as it happens on and off. So I can only pray that there will not be any error during my JSPG Assignment Interview.

Yesterday didn’t go to school for GAME lesson, stayed at home and did my FYP. Our FYP now is 99% done and 90% bug free not including documentations. Man, I really hate documentations, but it is a sad fact that no one can escape from it. 2 days to complete my part for the documentations, hope I can make it in time.

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Taxi Drivers

Went to school today for FYP discussion. Damm I really hate documentations. 25 pages of documentation for the project itself. I think the appendix will be at least 300 pages because the programming codes alone take up 200+ pages. LOL

Had my 8th driving lesson today, almost witness an accident. The car is turning at a vey fast speed and it is green man. A boy ran across, then the car never even stop or horn, luckily the boy reaction is fast. I think the boy is around primary 5. Then today almost knock into a taxi, because the taxi just stopped suddenly. I seriously hate the way taxi drivers drive. They can stop anywhere and anytime they want without giving out advance notices. They really have fucked up driving etiquette.

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