I have uploaded 3 more photo albums to the Gallery page. They are “Hang Wei’s BBQ June 2003”, “Esplanade” and “Jacky’s BBQ September 2003”.
All the photos I took yesterday is under the album “Jacky’s BBQ September 2003“. There are a total 69 photos.
I have uploaded 3 more photo albums to the Gallery page. They are “Hang Wei’s BBQ June 2003”, “Esplanade” and “Jacky’s BBQ September 2003”.
All the photos I took yesterday is under the album “Jacky’s BBQ September 2003“. There are a total 69 photos.
Went to Carrefour in the morning to buy all the BBQ stuffs. The organizing of this BBQ was kinda last minute and crashes with my classmates’ ACAN assignment deadline, so I so called took over the organ and the transition was smooth. Must thank my mom for fetching us and the stuffs all there from Carrefour.
We reached East Coast Park at around 2.30pm with only 3 people(Elaine, Xiu Yu & Me). If not for my mom, I don’t know how I am going to carry all these stuffs there. Our pit is at Area D, pit 41.
Went to school today to study JSPG till almost 5pm. MY GAME assignment is out. Suppose to write a game specifications and code the game in JAVA with OpenGL. A 3D PacMan game. Got the idea, but don’t know is it hard to program. Hmmm.
Feeling stress now. JPSG assignment, GAME assignment, ELIT assignment and FYP. Then for the past 8 weeks, I had slacked too much and thus wasted too much time. Now is time to use my time wisely.
Just as went I thought I was going to get over this issue which has been there for the past 2 months. That issue makes an unexpected turn, unexpected bad turn I would say. I have never expected it to be that person. Well guess that life is very unpredictable.
25th August 2003 is their day, 26th August 2002 is the day last year that we got together. I don’t know why, but I can remember all these dates so well. I am a very forgetful person, those things that I want to remember I will tend to forget, those I want to forget I always will remember. How ironic.
Went to watch Tale Of 2 Sisters With Fiona and co at PS in the evening. The show was quite scary. Of course being the timid one, I covered my face at times. The storyline is so-so only, the movie was quite long though. Still prefer The Unborn.
Sat down at Star Bucks for a cup of coffee and chit chatting. Drank the double shot ice espresso, and that causes me to sleep at 3.30am today.
Had my FYP interim presentation at 9am. We are being judged by 5 judges. Everything went quite smoothly but we did overlook quite a number of things. But on the whole is not bad.
Had our FYP lunch at Swensen at Holland Village, tried the new Cheese Cheek(I think it is spelled this way). Not that bad. Went home to changed before going to meet Jacky to collect my Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne from PK Computers at Hereen.
Met up with my secondary school mates yesterday. I think it is like a weekly routine from now on to meet up with them weekly. Tried the new Mc Quarter Pounder and the new Mc Orange Fizzy. Nothing special about the new burger, taste very normal but the Orange Fizzy drink is nice. I like it.
Took bus 65 to Tampines’s Mall after that. Took us around 90 minutes to get to there. I think we basically went there to eat Long John Silver and walk around and took bus 65 back again (another 90 minutes).
This few days almost everyone have been very busy preparing for the Interim presentation which is held on Monday(1st September 2003). Powerpoint slides, speech, questions the judges will ask and demonstration. Busy, busy and busy.
Suppose to go and play basketball with my secondary school friends at 7pm, but came home and was very tired. Took a nap all the way till 9pm before going out for dinner. LOL
Was very tired yesterday that I slept at 10.30pm yesterday, just an hour after I got home. Think must be lack of sleep. Posting this blog in school now because later I got a fyp presentation reharsal. After 8 weeks, first time I go to school on Thursday. LOL
Went to Suntec City yesterday after my NSC with Elaine to meet HuiJuan and XiuYu. My NSC homework will be entering the SPGG webdesign competition, in teams of 4. First price is $1500 in cash. Woot.
One year ago, watched Austin Powers : Gold Member with Lian and her friends, one year later, watched The Medallion with Lian and my friends.
One year ago, held her hands in the bus, one year later, I am holding on to nothing.
One year ago, it was the best time of my life so far, one year later, it was the worst time of my life so far.
One year ago, was one of the happiest man on Earth, one year later, was one of the saddest man on Earth.
One year ago, I know what is called love, one year later, I know the meaning of love hurts.
One year ago, everything seems so good/right, one year later, everything seems so bad/wrong.
Somethings do change, somethings never change. Time will heal wound, scars will be left. Let this be one of my sweetest memories deep within my heart. Retain the good times, cherish the thought, but learn the lessons involved.