
Plugins Updated For WordPress 2.1

Alongside with the release of WordPress 2.1 today, I have updated the following plugins for WordPress 2.1. Most of them will work for WordPress 2.1 only and it will break if you use it for WordPress 2.0.x. If you need any plugin for WordPress 2.0.x for some reasons, the download link is included in that plugin’s readme.html. I have also release 1 new plugin called WP-ServerInfo, it will display your host’s server PHP and MYSQL information (integrated into WordPress Admin Style) on your WordPress dashboard.

11 Updated Plugins:
WP-Ban 1.10
» Readme/Changelog
» Download
» Support Forum

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Dreamhost After A Week

So far I am very satisfied with Dreamhost customer support. Filed in 3 support tickets within the week and fastest reply I got back was like within 15 minutes, slowest was within 24 hours (to me it is fast).

Site was down this evening, it took them 45 minutes to detect it and get it back up which to me is also considered fast.

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Changing Of Host Completed

If you are able to see this announcement, it means that the site has successfully move to the new host (Dreamhost to be exact). I signed a 2 year contract with them for (US$100.80), hopefully they do not let me down.

This site is definitely slower for me in terms of load time as the host no longer reside in Singapore (where I live), but it maybe faster for some of you guys also.

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First Day Of Semester 2 06/07

After a little more than a month worth of holidays, semester 2 of academic year 2006/2007 finally started today. Must work extra hard this semester, hopefully can pull up my crappy GPA of 3.18 to maybe about 3.2 or 3.3. Bit by bit, before I graduate hopefully my GPA can be above 3.5. All of my modules this semester are mostly theory based, unlike last semester where I spent so much time on CS11o2 and I only get B+. That sucks.

Caught One Last Dance, 茶舞 at GV Marina and that show sucks. It is too artistic for a normal movie goer. That was the first movie I watched in 2007 and it sucks.

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My Dream PC In 2008 Part II

Posted my dream PC specifications a while back in August 2006, and some of the specs seems a little bit unrealistic.

Have been doing some research recently. The Intel Core 2 Quad which will goes into main stream sometime this years is called Kentsfield (Core 2 Quad). According to Wikipedia, the 2 main models are Q6600 (2.4GHz) and Q6400 (2.13GHz). Kentsfield is not really a true quad core processor, it is just basically two separate Conroe (Core 2 Duo) cores in one socket, and there will be a bottleneck in terms of bandwidth.

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Year 1, Semester 2 Modules

I will be taking the following modules for my first year, second semester:

EC1301 – Principles of Economics (4 MCs) [1 PT]
FNA1002X – Financial Accounting (4 MCs) [1 PT]
CS1105 – Computing and Society (4 MCs) [1 PT]
CS2250 – Fundamentals of Information Systems (4 MCs) [1 PT]
CS2261 – Enterprise Systems Development (4 MCs) [1 PT]

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