
Eye-Fi Pro X2 8GB

Got the Eye-Fi Pro X2 8 GB from Amazon for US$91.49 together with my Cocoon Grid-It. Shipping cost US$21.46 in total.

The Eye-Fi is not officially sold in Singapore so you have to either get it from resellers who bought it overseas or you get it directly from Amazon. The Eye-Fi Pro X2 8 GB cost about S$160 when you get it from resellers in Singapore, it is more expensive, but you do not need to wait 1 to 2 weeks for it as normally they got ready stock. Amazon is cheaper but you have to wait 2 weeks (in my case) for it.

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SingTel AMPed Lady Gaga “Born This Way” Showcase

Thanks to SingTel for the invite to the SingTel AMPed Lady Gaga “Born This Way” Showcase at Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center which happened on Thursday, 7th July 2011. Lady Gaga was here to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of SingTel AMPed. She was here 2 years ago to launch SingTel AMPed.

What Is SingTel AMPed?

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Simplism DockCarabiner Neo For iPhone

I wanted to get the Simplism DockCarabiner Neo for iPhone during the PC Show 2011 back in June 2011 but the black color was sold out on the second day. I went back on the third day but there was no re-stock. It was only selling for S$13.20 at Epicentre.

Ever since then I have been checking out various branches of Epicentre, but all of them do not have the black color. I also saw it at DG Lifestyle Store at VivoCity but they do not have black as well. But I left my name with them and ask them to call me when they have re-stock for black color.


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Google+ Project

Interesting project by Google, it reminds me of Facebook with Friend’s List. No idea how different is it from Facebook till I tried it. But I love the Circle UI, quite a new and interesting concept.

Among the most basic of human needs is the need to connect with others. With a smile, a laugh, a whisper or a cheer, we connect with others every single day.

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