Hahaha this is d-N-a here, posting with GamerZ’s account. LoL`
WoOo so fast, tmr will be the combined class chalet @ Sentosa. We are inviting our lecturers along for the BBQ as well, so no doubt it would be a lively one … LOL`.
Hahaha this is d-N-a here, posting with GamerZ’s account. LoL`
WoOo so fast, tmr will be the combined class chalet @ Sentosa. We are inviting our lecturers along for the BBQ as well, so no doubt it would be a lively one … LOL`.
Today is Deepavali, I would like to wish all Indians a very Happy Deepavali. So What exactly is Deepavali?
Well actually it is :
Deepavali is a festival where people from all age groups participate. They give expression to their happiness by lighting earthen ‘diyas’ (lamps), decorating the houses, bursting firecrackers and inviting near and dear ones to their households for partaking in a sumptuous feast. The lighting of lamps is a way of paying obeisance to god for attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace, valor and fame.
Went to Compass Point with my girlfriend, Alvin and Choon Sing, went there to ‘explore’ around the newly open shopping center and also to take the portable hi-fi from Choon Sing for use in the chalet.
Well to my surprise the shopping center is quite big and have lots of shops(obviously) ate deer meat with rice at the foodcourt there, that stall is recommended also by 1 food television programme. Not to bad the food, not that delicious.
Help to move all my brother stuffs like his computer and clothes to his room, also helped my dad to fixed my brother room’s air con. Now my room look so empty and more spacious, going to buy a study table to fill up the space previously taken by his computer table.
Went to #pixel.junkies channel outing at Ngee Ann City’s Seoul Garden, about 20 of us went, some of them I never see before and some I didn’t see for many years, they do change. LOL
Tweak some stuffs on this site, mainly only affect the back-end rather than the user-end. Now the time taken to load the page is much more accurate and it is located at the bottom but outside the page layout.
All parts of the page layout are now being called from a function file rather than including the file. This makes updating the site an easier job for me and the site will look more uniform in terms of breadcrumbs navigation and the page title.
My good buddy, Shaun aka DeMoBLiTzer, has redesigned his site, this is his 7th layout since 2000, it is called Project Zen as what it is stated in the URL. Well, I must say the red and black combination is not bad.
Here is the news on his site:
The prototype 7.0 site layout is out today, hope that its appealing to all. I won’t be improving the design of this new layout till after my A level exams next month. And while I’ve got some serious studying up my back, in the mean time, enjoy the site!
Woo, today is Halloween’s Day. Happy Halloween to all. Ermmm, Halloween is the English version of the Chinese 7th month ghost festival? LOL.
Accompanied my girlfriend for her job interview at Mosque Street in the afternoon together with Jean and Zhi Wei. While waiting for them to finish interviewing, went to Maxwell Market, as that is the nearest food center available to us. As usual ate the Fried Slice Fish Soup there, later went to Chinatown Point McDonald’s to site down and wait for them.
Next in the Microsoft Office line after XP will be Office 11, it will be out sometime next year, but it can only work on Windows 2K and XP. Click here for some Office 11 screenshots.
Also, next in the Microsoft Windows line, rumoured to be called Windows 2004, and Longhorn is the code name for its alpha and beta stages, just like Whistler is the code name for Windows XP alpha and beta stages. Click here for some Windows Longhorn screenshots.
Here are some upcoming movies sequel in years to come to look out for. It is in order by data of release. Be warned, the list is quite long.
» Shanghai Knights
» The Jungle Book II
» Final Destination 2
» Jeepers Creepers II
» X-Men 2
» The Matrix: Reloaded
» The Fast and the Furious 2
» The Hulk
» Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle
» Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
» Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
» Bad Boys 2
» Spy Kids 3
» Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
» The Matrix: Revolutions
» Looney Tunes: Back in Action
» The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Went to school at 7.45am to eat breakfast with my gang, before taking the exams at 9am. The DSAL exams is quite difficult man, hope I can pass it although my overall marks confirm pass(lecturer says so), luckily the exams only 30%, for the other 70%, I have already got about 44/100, just need about 18 marks from the exams to pass this module, and 54 marks from the exams to get a C, that is what I can get, a grade C for this module.
After the exams, went to Clementi for lunch, bought Age Of Mythology, heard that it is quite a good game. Friday will be my last exams, WWWP. I will be enjoying today, and start studying for it tomorrow.