Aztech AIR-706P is the first mesh router from Aztech that was launched in July 2017 and is retailing for S$269.
The AIR-706P is a budget router that can expand its range using another AIR-706P via mesh network rather than a wi-fi extender.

Aztech AIR-706P is the first mesh router from Aztech that was launched in July 2017 and is retailing for S$269.
The AIR-706P is a budget router that can expand its range using another AIR-706P via mesh network rather than a wi-fi extender.
The Linksys RE7000 Max-Stream AC1900 Wi-Fi Range Extender has been available in Singapore since 1st August 2016. It is retailing for S$199.
The RE7000 is an AC1900 dual-band range extender with a Gigabit Ethernet Port and four internal antennas.
The Synology Router RT1900ac is Synology’s first router. It is targeted at the mid-range router market and hence it’s retail price is S$234 US$149 (S$210). It started selling in Singapore on 6th October 2015. I will update this post again when I have the actual retail price in Singapore rather than using the currency conversion from the official retail price in USD.
For the unaware, Synology makes one of the best NAS in the market especially for the prosumer market. I personally owned three Synology NASes, DS210j, DS413j and DS415play.
The new Linksys WRT1200AC router will provides users with the high-end features of the Linksys WRT1900AC router at AC1200 speeds and a lower price point. The Linksys WRT1200AC will retail for S$329 from 4th June 2015 at Challenger stores and at other consumer electronics retail stores by the end of June 2015.
I attended the launch of the new Linksys WRT1200AC in Singapore yesterday and I realised that the WRT firmware received a new update (service pack 4) which includes one of the features that I am looking for, which is a VPN server (Linksys is using OpenVPN server).
The Linksys WRT1900AC box got to be the biggest box for a router that I have received. When I opened the box, everything is held in place with foam instead of cardboard and there is sponge sticked to the top of the box to protect the router. I have not seen such premium packaging before for a router.
The Linksys WRT1900AC will be retailing for S$399 which makes it the most expensive consumer router that I come across. It is even more expensive than the Asus RT-AC68U. It will be exclusively available at all Challenger outlets from 22nd May 2014 (yesterday) to 22nd June 2014. After that, it will be available at all other leading IT stores in Singapore from 23 June 2014 onwards.