
Gifts From Japan

My family (parents + my brother + Huimin) were in Japan for a tour from 28th February 2009 to 11th March 2009. Now there are back, they got Li Xiang and I some gifts! Pictures paint a thousand words, so here they are!

My Items

<a href=Head Porter Monogram Black Beauty New Waist Bag (Front View)” />
Head Porter Monogram Black Beauty New Waist Bag (Front View)

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Apple Refreshes iPod Shuffle

Apple refreshes its iPod Shuffle, now available in 4GB only for S$128. Instead of an array of colors available, now there are only 2 colors, silver and black. The design has also been changed, it now looks vertical instead of square. Despite the lack of a screen, Apple introduces a feature called “Voice Over”. Also in the new design, there are no more controls on the player itself. The controls are now located on the right earbud cord.

Easy access controls
The controls of the new iPod shuffle are located on the right earbud cord. With command central now strategically placed in this more convenient location, you can navigate your music – and activate the VoiceOver feature – without taking your eyes off your run, your ride, or whatever you’re doing.

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BlogOut! 2009

*Phew* Finally my nervous presentation at BlogOut! 2009 was over. BlogOut! 2009 was a huge success.

There is some re-scheduling, my presentation was moved up to about 11.45am instead of 1.30pm. Once I am up there presenting, I don’t feel so nervous anymore. Elvin from Intel told me to look at the audience more often and smile which I agree. I think I am too engross looking at my screen and notes instead of the audience. Li Xiang told me that my hand moved too much and should hold onto the podium to prevent it from moving about that often. I hope I can do better next time. If I have the time, I hope to speak again at the Singapore PHP User Group when WordPress 2.8 comes out.

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Logitech 2.4 GHz Cordless Presenter

Bought my Logitech 2.4 GHz Cordless Presenter at PK Computer at VivoCity for S$132. I have no idea why presenters are so expensive. Even those non-branded one cost about S$80. But I must say a presenter is a good investment, I can use it for presentations in my school as well, save me the hassle from clicking the mouse to change slide. I love the Logitech Presenter because it has a built-in countdown timer which many presenters lacks!

Official Site: Logitech 2.4 GHz Cordless Presenter

Packaging Front View
Packaging Front View

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Launch Of Nokia XpressMusic 5800 & Nokia Comes With Music

Nokia today launches the Nokia XpressMusic 5800 & Nokia Comes With Music service at Velvet Underground at 4.30pm. The consumer party is at 9pm on the same day opposite Zouk Carpark. Nokia Comes With Music service is now live in Singapore. Singapore is the first Asia country to launch the Nokia Comes With Music. The Nokia XpressMusic 5800 will be available at all Telecom shops tomorrow (28th February 2009). The Recommended Retail Price (RRP) for it is S$798.

Nokia XpressMusic 5800 Press Release

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BlogOut! 2009

BlogOut 2009 will be held on the 6th & 7th March 2009 from 10.30 am to 5.30 pm. It will be held at 8Q, Singapore Art Museum, 8 Queen Street, Singapore 188535. There will be 2 tracks namely the Corporate Track (6th & 7th March 2009) and the Open Track (7th March 2009). The Corporate Track cost S$90 per person (promotion till 28th February 2009), the usual price is S$120. The Open Track is free and open to the public but registration is required.

Organized by The Digital Movement (TDM), Blogout! ’09 aims to help make sense of the social media landscape in Singapore. It is an event to celebrate bloggers’ independent voices, emergent forms of social, web technology, to create change for their organizations, communities, and society.

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