Dashboard Widget (Without Controls) Sample Plugin

WordPress 2.5 has the ability to customize your administration dashboard with the help of widgets.

After poking around WordPress 2.5 codes, I have come out with this Dashboard Widget Sample Plugin. BUT do note that this plugin does not include Dashboard Widget Controls. If I have the time, I will add that in or perhaps I will create another plugin called “Dashboard Widget (With Controls) Sample Plugin”.

To get a clearer picture of what this sample plugin does, here is a screenshot of the Dashboard Widget (Without Controls) Sample in action.

Here comes the code:

 'Full URL For "See All" link', // Example: 'index.php?page=wp-useronline/wp-useronline.php'
		'feed_link' => 'Full URL For "RSS" link', // Example: 'index.php?page=wp-useronline/wp-useronline-rss.php'
		'width' => 'half', // OR 'fourth', 'third', 'half', 'full' (Default: 'half')
		'height' => 'single', // OR 'single', 'double' (Default: 'single')

### Function: Add Dashboard Widget
add_filter('wp_dashboard_widgets', 'PLUGINNAME_add_dashboard_widget');
function PLUGINNAME_add_dashboard_widget($widgets) {
	global $wp_registered_widgets;
	if (!isset($wp_registered_widgets['dashboard_PLUGINNAME'])) {
		return $widgets;
	array_splice($widgets, sizeof($widgets)-1, 0, 'dashboard_PLUGINNAME');
	return $widgets;

### Function: Print Dashboard Widget
function dashboard_PLUGINNAME($sidebar_args) {
	global $wpdb;
	extract($sidebar_args, EXTR_SKIP);
	echo $before_widget;
	echo $before_title;
	echo $widget_name;
	echo $after_title;
	echo $after_widget;

Hope this helps some of you guys. =)

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WordPress 2.5 RC 1

The time I have been waiting for to test my plugins on WP 2.5 is finally here.

Some features in WordPress 2.5 taken from WordPress.org:

A customizable dashboard, multi-file upload, built-in galleries, one-click plugin upgrades, tag management, built-in Gravatars, full text feeds, and faster load times.

Do take a look at WordPress.org’s blogSneak Peak on WordPress 2.5.

Download: WordPress 2.5 Release Candidate 1

*UPDATE* Just updated this site to WordPress 2.5 RC1, apparently all my plugins seems to be working fine. Just that some alignment and colour scheme maybe a little off. I will try to fix it latest during my summer holidays.

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WordPress 2.5 Release Date

Accordingly to Lorelle, WordPress 2.5 will be released before WordCamp Dallas.
As taken from WordCamp Dallas website:

The Dallas 2008 WordCamp spans two days, with the first day focusing primarily on general user topics and the second day primarily on developer topics, with some overlap.

In this case, WordPress 2.5 should be out on either 28th March 2008 or 29th March 2008.

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WordPress 2.5 Delayed

WordPress 2.5 has been delayed till 17th March 2008 tentatively. I find the development cycle for WordPress 2.5 is a little weird.

For WordPress 2.3 and other previous versions of WordPress, betas and RCs are released first. For example, WP 2.3: Beta 1, WP 2.3: Beta 2, WP 2.3: Beta 3 and lastly WP 2.3: RC 1 are released first before WP 2.3 went gold.

For WordPress 2.5, there are so such releases (I am not talking about SVN nightly) and apparently the upcoming WP 2.5 will be the first and gold release.

Personally, I think they should release the betas and RCs officially first before releasing the gold version to the public.

But I still hope it get further delayed till my summer holidays so I can release it together with my plugins as I am too busy with school that I could not even take any time off to do my plugins.

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