I have moved the remaining WordPress plugins repository to Github and thanks to scribu’s script, I can deploy from Github back to WordPress Plugins SVN Repo.
Also thanks to scribu for taking the lead with WP-PageNavi and WP-UserOnline previously =)
Feel free to submit pull requests or fork the repo or follow me on GitHub.
Here are all the links.
- WP-Ban
- WP-CommentNavi
- WP-DBManager
- WP-DownloadManager
- WP-EMail
- WP-PageNavi [By scribu]
- WP-PluginsUsed
- WP-Polls
- WP-PostRatings
- WP-PostViews
- WP-Print
- WP-RelativeDate
- WP-ServerInfo
- WP-ShowHide
- WP-Stats
- WP-Sticky [Deprecated]
- WP-UserOnline [By scribu]
- WP-Wap [Deprecated]