I have been using Panic‘s Coda 1 for almost 30 months since I started work at mig33. I have been waiting ages for Coda 2 and today my wish came true!
Coda 2 will be available from 24th May 2012 onwards from the Mac App Store as well as their own online store. The pricing scheme is a little tricky. For the first 24 hours, Coda 2 will be on sale at 50% which is US$49, after that it will be back to US$75 and after certain time frame it will be back to the original price which is US$99.
Sony Xperia P, Sony Xperia U & Sony Xperia sola are now available in Singapore across all Sony stores, Sony centres and Xperia concept stores as well as local telcos (SingTel, M1, StarHub).
Sony Xperia P will be retailing for S$688 in silver and black.
Nokia Lumia 900 will be available in Singapore from Saturday, 26th May 2012. It will be retailing for S$849 (including taxes & without contract) at all 3 operators (SingTel, M1, StarHub) in Singapore.
The unit available in Singapore will be the non-LTE version and instead it will be running on HSDPA+ which gives you up to 42Mbps download speed. I will not put high hopes on that in Singapore *.
CableKeeps was the 4th Kickstarter project that I backed. I backed it last year on the 11th August 2011 and the project got funded on the 9th September 2011. They raised a total of US$37,498 out of the initial goal of US$35,000.
My pledge was US$28 and an additional US$10 for shipping (total US$38) for a choice of any two units (Nibbles, Goldie, or Gulp). I chose Goldie and Gulp.
The Logitech Touch Mouse M600 was announced back in February 2012 and I have been looking forward to play with it. It is finally available in Singapore and is retailing for S$89.
In case you are unaware, Samsung announced Samsung Galaxy SIII which is the successor to the Galaxy SII and their flagship mobile phone at Samsung Mobile Unpacked 2012 yesterday in London.
Samsung provided a live stream to the event but apparently the NDA for the Samsung Galaxy SIII of those major tech sites was lifted right before the event. So it is weird to see so much details of the phone even before the person went up on stage to officially announced it.
Nokia Lumia 610 will be available in Singapore from Saturday, 5th May 2012. It will be retailing for S$379 (including taxes & without contract) at all 3 operators (SingTel, M1, StarHub) in Singapore.
3 colors will be available on launch date, white, black and magenta. For the cyan, it will be available from Saturday, 12th May 2012 onwards.
There are 2 products being launched yesterday, one is the Lenovo IdeaCentre A720 (which is the main highlight) retailing for S$2,699 and the other is the Lenovo IdeaPad Y480 retailing for S$1,499.
It seems that SingTel has launched its own version of cloud syncing and storage which is called SingTel Store & Share. Think of it as SingTel’s version of Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive or even Dropbox.
Right now SingTel’s Store & Share only supports PC, iOS and Android platform. No support for Mac yet.