ZUS Smart Car Charger is the latest product by nonda. nonda is a smart hardware startup founded in December 2014 and is based in Palo Alto, CA.
The ZUS started out on Indiegogo and it raised a total of US$273,165.

ZUS Smart Car Charger is the latest product by nonda. nonda is a smart hardware startup founded in December 2014 and is based in Palo Alto, CA.
The ZUS started out on Indiegogo and it raised a total of US$273,165.
The Lomography’s Lomo’Instant was borned out of a Kickstarter Project two years ago. It garnered 8,448 backers with a total of US$1,118,333 pledged out of their initial goal of US$100,000.
There are several designs available and prices range between S$168 and S$258 on Lomography Online Store.
I backed the Flip British Plug on Kickstarter on 22nd November 2015. The project was funded on 18th December 2015 after raising a total of £28,115 out of their initial goal of £15,000 from 1,140 backers.
I chose the £14 reward level and shipping to Singapore cost another £5. So in total, I paid £19 (S$38).
Apple Magic Keyboard is retailing for S$148 and is the successor to the Apple Wireless Keyboard.
It is S$50 more expensive than the Apple Wireless Keyboard (S$98) because it now comes with a Lightning cable and a built-in battery.
Thanks to Lomography, I will be giving out one Lomography’s Lomo’Instant worth S$258 to 1 lucky winner.
To participate, all you have to do is the following:
Circles.Life is a Singapore-based consumer brand of Liberty Wireless. It is founded by three entrepreneurs, Rameez Ansar, Abhishek Gupta and Adeel Najam who had previously worked for Temasek Holdings, McKinsey, StarHub and other companies.
It is “sort of” the 4th telco in Singapore if you consider Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MNVO) a telco.
I bought the Anker PowerLine+ Lightning Cable (0.9m) from Amazon for US$13.99 (S$19).
It doesn’t ship to Singapore directly, and hence I have to ship it to my freight forwarder, HopShopGo, and get them to shop to Singapore for me.
Bought the TP-Link 8-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch (TL-SG108) from Challenger at VivoCity for S$43 (member’s price: S$39).
This is my first TP-Link product and I will be using this switch for my new house.
Bought the Apple Magic Mouse 2 for S$119 because my old Magic Mouse had spoilt.
I am able to connect my old Magic Mouse to my iMac but when I move the mouse, the cursor still stays put. Tried changing batteries and even using a different Mac, both method didn’t work which makes me conclude that it is spoilt for good.
I have submmited a request for this site to publish Facebook Instant Articles since last Thursday and it finally got approved today (despite it says 24-48 hours review process)
I am using the official plugin called Instant Articles for WP by Automattic to generate an Instant Article RSS feed.