The original retail price was US$25.99 (S$35), but they have an exclusive discount with Kinja Deals using the coupon code KINJA593. That coupon code gives you US$6.50 discount, making the final price to be US$19.49.
Its usual retail price is US$26.99 (S$38) but because of an ongoing promotion, you can use the promo code, GEYC7LFE, and it will give you a discount of US$6.50.
This is a 4-port charger that is capable of a combined output of 6.8A. Two ports have a max output of 1A each, and the other two ports have a max output of 2.4A each.
I have not heard of the brand XPower before till Kakki, sole distributor of XPower, wrote to me to see if I was interested in featuring their products.
I took a look at their products on Lazada and found that they sell cables, power banks, USB chargers, etc.