
Sick Week

Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for lunch with Lian, ate the sliced fish porridge something which is “light” as I am still sick. Wow, after reading my classmates’ blogs then I realise many of them got sick too, it must be a sickening week I guess. LOL

Woo, my mom do really sells lots of products, the product list is 5 pages, with an average of 50 products on 1 page, thats make about 250 products(including different packaging). Left 16 products images more to upload and I need to add in the item code and price for all the 50(including the 16). After that is done, I still need to take pictures of some more products.

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Unbeatables III

Did the same old usual stuffs like last week, update my mom’s company’s website, almost done, should be able to finish by this week. The site is quite slow, do not really know whether the fault lies with WebVisions(the host) of the file size of the page.

Came back played a little Unreal Tournament 2003 with cheats this time, woo, I must say the last weapon(Redeemer) is indeed very powerful, can killed so many people within a huge radius. The Ion Painter is also quite powerful.

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Flu Virus

Slept till 12.30pm, wanted to follow my mom to SpotLight at Orchard Point to buy the curtain’s cloth, but couldn’t wake up, so didn’t went.

After playing a few rounds of Yahoo Literati and Starcraft: Brood War, it is almost 6pm. Slept for a while till 7pm, then went for dinner at Singapore Swimming Club, ate the international buffet there, $22, quite a wide spread of food, but the food quality is not that great.

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Yahoo Going Towards PHP

This news is quite old, dated 25th October 2002, but it is quite interesting. Didn’t know Yahoo! is going to change its scripting language to PHP from a proprietary server-side page language written in C/C++.
Here are some interesting facts about Yahoo! :

» 201 Million Unique Users
» 93 Million Active Registered Users
» More Than 1.5 Billion Page Views A Day
» 4500+ Servers
» 16 Co-Locations
» 74 Properties
» 25 International Sites
» 13 Languages
» 8.1 Million Lines Of Code In C/C++
» 3.0 Million Lines Of Code In Perl
» Open Source Softwares Runs Yahoo! Business

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Tiong Bahru Plaza

Hehe, from now on I think I shall address my girlfriend as Lian in here, sounds nicer and more personal.

Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for lunch with Lian and my brother, ate the usual Spicy Beef Vegetable Soup Set from the Korean Stall. Went to walk round Tiong Bahru Plaza for a while, Lian bought 2 comics and my brother bought the orange Converse “Grass” slippers.

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ShoutBox Updates

Decided to change the ShoutBox and put in only on the main page so that it will load faster for the rest of the pages. It will also appear as a shout module, not just shout module alone because I have been doing so for a few months and it is practically empty. Humans are born lazy, so I don’t think they can be bothered to click on the “Shout Module()” link.

Modified the “Blogs Links” to a drop-down menu style, the old style is taking way to much space on the page. So now the time taken to process the main page is about 1 second and the rest of the site is about 0.5 second or less.

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GIRO For EZ-Link Card

Went to my mom’s office to take pictures of the products, had a hard time finding a suitable location to place the products, the place is always too dark, so no choice but to place it at a place where it is nearer to sunlight, even so, the pictures taken is not as bright as I though, still can make it though. Took about a total of about 50 pictures.

After that went to apply GIRO for my EZ-Link card after that, so now once the value reach below $0, it will auto top-up $20. Save me the trouble to queue up for 15 minutes just to top up $20 at the counter.

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It Is A Rainy Day

It’s a rainy day and the sun wouldn’t shine, it’s a rainy, it’s a rainy. Nice old techno song from Ice MC called It’s A Rainy Day. It practically rained the whole day today.

Slept till 1.30pm, the weather is so good to sleep. LOL. Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to eat lunch with my brother at about 2pm when the rain is lighter. Ate Spicy Beef Vegetable Soup Set from the Korea stall there. It is nice. One of the best Korea food stall I have eaten. Yummy. Drooling? On the way back, went to buy Bread Talk’s bread for my girlfriend.

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Study BTT

Wake up at 8am today to fetch my girlfriend from the bus-stop to my house, and after that my mom fetch her to work. Went back to sleep after that. LOL

Studied for my BTT this afternoon, read through the whole book and I thought it will be easy, but after reading it, i realised that there is so much thing to remember, the test is 50 MCQs, cannot get more than 5 wrong. But before taking the test I need to take an evaluation test something like prelims as I am taking as a student of the school and not as a private candidate.

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It Is A Monday

Stayed at home for the whole day, only went out of the house to eat lunch, Monday is normally a boring day, most of the stalls at my house’s coffee shop is closed, so no choice but to eat fishball noodle.

Came back played a few rounds of Starcraft: Brood War with my girlfriend till evening. Dinner was rather simple, just 3 dishes and some otahs. Again played Brood War with my girlfriend till night. LOL

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