
Billy’s Farewell Party

Went to Marina Square to watch The Guru before proceeding to Billy’s Farewell party at Union Square. Wow didn’t know Billy can rap so well, trance/dance music by DJ Ash(I think) plus his rap, rocks. I do not mind buying the CD if there is one, but it is a pity such a good CANI lecturer has to leave, sad.

Left the party earlier because my girlfriend was not feeling well, so we proceed home. 2 of her friends which is also my coursemates(obviously), also stayed overnight at my house, so that makes a total of 4 people(including me) sleep in 1 room, not really that cramp. Still can accommodate 2 more people. Hehe

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Resting Day

Didn’t went out today, only leave the house for lunch and dinner. Spent the afternoon organising the chalet photos to be viewed online(resizing, compressing, etc). For that alone takes about the whole afternoon, before you know it, it is night. Time flies.

Long time didn’t download songs, flip though 8 Days magazine and download all those top songs which are on the chart. After which went to eat HongKong Street Cooked Food at Alexander Road, that stall also quite famous, been onto a few food programs before.

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C&C Generals Delayed

C&C Generals has been officially delayed, but not to worry guys, Westwood always ship their game on time.
Here is a scoop of it:

GameSpyDaily has learned that EA Pacific’s highly anticipated RTS for the PC — Command & Conquer Generals — has been strategically delayed until February of next year. Now set to ship on February 11, 2003, EA attributed the reason for the delay to its strong lineup of other titles from now until early 2003.

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Chalet Nov2002 Photos Up

I have uploaded all the photos taken during the chalet in 3 digital cameras to the site. Total of 271 photos or 26 MB worth of photos. The photos are available in the Poly Gallery, url is

Just for your information, this site is powered by B2 CVS version, thus all the files are always up to date.

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Chalet Here I Come

Today I will be going off to my course(dmmt) chalet at Sentosa Holiday Chalet together with my girlfriend also. We will be back on 7th November 2002 afternoon, but I think I will sleep till the night then continue posting. I will try to upload some of the chalet pictures by then. Hehe. Will miss my computer and my bed LOL.

Tata guys and gals.

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Happy Deepavali

Today is Deepavali, I would like to wish all Indians a very Happy Deepavali. So What exactly is Deepavali?
Well actually it is :

Deepavali is a festival where people from all age groups participate. They give expression to their happiness by lighting earthen ‘diyas’ (lamps), decorating the houses, bursting firecrackers and inviting near and dear ones to their households for partaking in a sumptuous feast. The lighting of lamps is a way of paying obeisance to god for attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace, valor and fame.

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Compass Point

Went to Compass Point with my girlfriend, Alvin and Choon Sing, went there to ‘explore’ around the newly open shopping center and also to take the portable hi-fi from Choon Sing for use in the chalet.

Well to my surprise the shopping center is quite big and have lots of shops(obviously) ate deer meat with rice at the foodcourt there, that stall is recommended also by 1 food television programme. Not to bad the food, not that delicious.

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