WordPress 3.3.2 & 3.4 Beta 3 Released

WordPress 3.3.2 & 3.4 Beta 3 has been released
WordPress 3.3.2


  • Plupload (version 1.5.4), which WordPress uses for uploading media.
  • SWFUpload, which WordPress previously used for uploading media, and may still be in use by plugins.
  • vSWFObject, which WordPress previously used to embed Flash content, and may still be in use by plugins and themes.

  • Limited privilege escalation where a site administrator could deactivate network-wide plugins when running a WordPress network under particular circumstances, disclosed by Jon Cave of our WordPress core security team, and Adam Backstrom.
  • Cross-site scripting vulnerability when making URLs clickable, by Jon Cave.
  • Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in redirects after posting comments in older browsers, and when filtering URLs. Thanks to Mauro Gentile for responsibly disclosing these issues to the security team.

Changelog: From WordPress 3.3.1
Download: WordPress 3.3.2

WordPress 3.4 Beta 3

  • 90 bugs have been fixed since beta 2

Changelog: From WordPress 3.4 Beta 2
Download: >WordPress 3.4 Beta 3

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WordPress 3.4.2

WordPress 3.4.2 has been release and it is both a maintenance release that fixes 21 bugs and security release that fixes vulnerabilities that includes potential privilege escalation and a bug that affects multisite installs with untrusted users.

Some of the 21 bugs include:

  • Fix some issues with older browsers in the administration area.
  • Fix an issue where a theme may not preview correctly, or its screenshot may not be displayed.
  • Improve plugin compatibility with the visual editor.
  • Address pagination problems with some category permalink structures.
  • Avoid errors with both oEmbed providers and trackbacks.
  • Prevent improperly sized header images from being uploaded.

Version 3.4.2 also fixes a few security issues and contains some security hardening. The vulnerabilities included potential privilege escalation and a bug that affects multisite installs with untrusted users. These issues were discovered and fixed by the WordPress security team.

Download: WordPress 3.4.2
Auto Update: Dashboard -> Updates

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WP-Polls Administration Panel Update

I think it is time for me to update WP-Polls Administration Panel as the code hasn’t been change much since WordPress 1.5.2.

Things I have in mind:
» AJAX used for almost everything with the exception of Adding/Editing Poll and Uninstallation Of WP-Polls
» Adding Poll will have its own tab rather than in Manage Poll Tab
» Uninstall Poll will also have its own tab rather than in Manage Poll Tab

The deleting of polls under the Manage Poll Tab will be something like when you delete WordPress categories, those fanciful fading will be included =)

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