Remote File

I have added a feature to WP-DownloadManager that will allow you to add a remote file to the downloads. This remote file will looks as if it resides on your own server and the process is totally transparent to the user. The only downside is at times it is unable to get the file size and hence it will display as unknown.

I have added WP-PostRatings 1.20 Beta 1 as an example of remote file. Remember that the file does not reside in this sever but it is pointing to a remote file url which is

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Beta Version Of My Plugins Updated To WordPress 2.6

Whenever WordPress releases a .1 update and it is during my school holidays (May to August) or (December to January). I am always able to get all my plugins compatible with it before it is actually released and have some buffer for testing.

I had spent the whole night yesterday making my plugins work wells with WordPress 2.6 and perhaps even WordPress 2.7 while maintaining the backward compatibility with WordPress 2.5.

All my 15 plugins are available at the Downloads Page under Beta Scripts. It used to be 16 plugins, but I stopped developing WP-Wap and hence it became 15.

Do help me test it out either on WordPress 2.5 or WordPress 2.6 Beta. They should work just fine for both versions.

This site is running all 15 of them and it is based on WordPress 2.5. If you found any of my plugins that are not working well on this site, do let me know as well. I will update this site to WordPress 2.6 when RC1 comes out.

If everything goes fine, I will release the updates 2 days after WordPress 2.6 is being released.

PS: My mom always nag at me to get a job especially during my 3 months (summer holidays) from May to August. But I told her by developing plugins, I can get donations as well. If you really like my plugins and appreciate my effort that I have put into it, do drop me a donation. My Paypal email is lesterchan AT gmail DOT com. Thank You =)

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WP-Polls 2.20 Logs

Someone mentioned in the forums that since WP-Polls 2.20 allows users to vote for multiple answers, it make sense to revamp the whole logging part of WP-Polls and to allow administrator better understand his site’s voters preference.

I have since done so but it is still in a planning stages, comments and ideas are all welcomed. Here is a screenshot to get my point across.

I have removed the poll’s log from the Edit Poll and move it to its own page called log. There will be paging in the log page for sure.

There are 3 main ways you can filter the logs.

1. You can choose to display all the users that voted for a certain answers in a poll and you can choose what type voters you want to display.

2. View the answer voted by registered users or comment authors. It will not support guests.

3. You can choose to display the users who voted for more than 2 answers and what they voted for. This option is only available if the poll supports multiple answers.

Registered Users – It means the user is registered with your WordPress blog.
Comment Authors – Visitors who posted comments in your blog before and hence we are able to get his name/nickname via the cookies. 2 comment authors may share the same name, so it is not 100% accurate.
Guests – Self explanatory

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