WP-Email And WP-Print With WordPress 2.5

For some reasons, the core permalink structure of WordPress 2.5 has been changed just before it is being released (the problem is not there with WordPress 2.5 RC1).

If you get a 404 on WP-Email and WP-Print posts/pages, you need to get the latest development version of the respective plugins. Refer to the post above this.

I also wished I have more time to spend updating my plugins, but as my school is nearing the semester end, all my projects deadline are also coming and so are the end of semester exams. I can’t fork out any valuable time to update all my plugins for WP 2.5 and hence, 1st June 2008 should be the day I will roll out the updates to my plugins as my last paper is on 6th May 2008.

But in the mean time, I will try my best to address all issues related with my plugins and WordPress 2.5.

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WordPress 2.2.2

WordPress 2.2.2 has been released and as usual I have updated this site to WordPress 2.2.2.

Changed Files From WP 2.2.1:

» /wp-admin/import/wordpress.php

» /wp-admin/admin-db.php
» /wp-admin/admin-functions.php
» /wp-admin/edit-comments.php
» /wp-admin/link-import.php
» /wp-admin/options.php
» /wp-admin/upload-functions.php

» /wp-includes/formatting.php
» /wp-includes/functions.php
» /wp-includes/general-template.php
» /wp-includes/theme.php
» /wp-includes/widgets.php
» /wp-includes/version.php

» /wp-app.php
» /wp-settings.php
» /xmlrpc.php

Grab you copy today!

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My Plugins With WordPress 2.6 Part 2

My good friend Ozh has written an article entitled, What Plugin Coders Must Know About WordPress 2.6. It is a good read if you are a plugin developer for WordPress.

Both of us have came to a conclusion that if you move your /wp-content/ folder to elsewhere, you may need to manually specify the path to wp-config.php in the respective plugins that make use of them as there is no 100% way of guessing the path to wp-config.php.

So my recommendation is DO NOT MOVE the /wp-content/ folder. It is OK to move wp-config.php to a level higher, but try not to touch /wp-content/.

With regards to my plugins, I will release a .01 update bringing the version to 1.31 and 2.31 for the respective plugins. This update will make sure that the plugin will work for BOTH WordPress 2.5 and WordPress 2.6. That is right, I will maintain backward compatibility with WordPress 2.5 for the next update as WordPress 2.6 is just a minor release.

When WordPress 2.7 comes out in November 2008, I will bump all the versions to 1.40 and 2.40 respectively and I will remove the backward compatibility feature to WordPress 2.5.

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WordPress 2.8.4

WordPress 2.8.4 has been released and also similar to WordPress 2.8.3, this is a security fix.

Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, the first account without a key in the database (usually the admin account) would have its password reset and a new password would be emailed to the account owner. This doesn’t allow remote access, but it is very annoying.

Changelog: WordPress 2.8.4
Download: WordPress 2.8.4
Download: Modified files since WordPress 2.8.3

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