WP-DBManager 2.61

WP-DBManager 2.61 has been released and it fixes a security vulnerability which will allow user to download your wp-config.php. If you do not use the default backup folder path, you are not affected by this.

However, most users are affected and it is recommended that you upgrade WP-DBManager to 2.61.

WP-DBManager 2.62 will be out on Tuesday with added nonce security and auto-repair functionality.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Download: WP-DBManager 2.61

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If you look on the right, those items on the sidebar all called widgets. I find them kinda cool and hence I have created widgets for WP-Polls, WP-UserOnline and WP-Stats.

New version of WP-UserOnline and WP-Stats will be coming out on 1st July 2006. Any plugins used on this site are all the latest builds.

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WordPress 3.1.4 & 3.2 RC3

WordPress 3.1.4 & 3.2 RC3 has been released.

WordPress 3.1.4

WordPress 3.1.4 is available now and is a maintenance and security update for all previous versions.

This release fixes an issue that could allow a malicious Editor-level user to gain further access to the site. Thanks K. Gudinavicius of SEC Consult for bringing this to our attention. Version 3.1.4 also incorporates several other security fixes and hardening measures thanks to the work of WordPress developers Alexander Concha and Jon Cave of our security team. Consult the change log for more details.

Changelog: WordPress 3.1.4
Download: WordPress 3.1.4
Download: Modified files since WordPress 3.1.3

WordPress 3.2 RC3

This release was about all that stood in the way of a final release of WordPress 3.2. So we’re also announcing the third release candidate for 3.2, which contains all of the fixes in 3.1.4; few minor RTL, JavaScript, and user interface fixes; and ensures graceful failures if 3.2 is run on PHP4. As a reminder, we’ve bumped our minimum requirements for version 3.2 to PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.

Download: WordPress 3.2 RC3

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Top 3 WordPress Plugins Developer

I am ranked among the Top 10 WordPress Plugins Developers. I am ranked 3rd to be precise based on the number of downloads for all my 17 plugins hosted on the official WordPress Plugins repository.

Source: W-Shadow.com’s Blog: Top 10 WordPress Plugin Developers

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