WordPress 2.2

WordPress 2.2 has been released and as usual I have updated this site to it. Here are the goodies copy + paste from WordPress.org.

» WordPress Widgets allow you to easily rearrange and customize areas of your weblog (usually sidebars) with drag-and-drop simplicity. This functionality was originally available as a plugin Widgets are now included by default in the core code, significantly cleaned up, and enabled for the default themes.
» Full Atom support, including updating our Atom feeds to use the 1.0 standard spec and including an implementation of the Atom Publishing API to complement our XML-RPC interface.
» A new Blogger importer that is able to handle the latest version of Google’s Blogger product and seamlessly import posts and comments without any user interaction beyond entering your login.
» Infinite comment stream, meaning that on your Edit Comments page when you delete or spam a comment using the AJAX links under each comment it will bring in another comment in the background so you always have 20 items on the page. (I know it sounds geeky, but try it!)
» We now protect you from activating a plugin or editing a file that will break your blog.
» Core plugin and filter speed optimizations should make everything feel a bit more snappy and lighter on your server.
» We’ve added a hook for WYSIWYG support in a future version of Safari.

My plugins should not break with WordPress 2.2 because the code changes are not significant unlike from WordPress 2.0 to WordPress 2.1. However, if they do break, PLEASE POST IT IN THE SUPPORT FORUMS and not in the comments. Thank you =)

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WordPress 2.8 Beta 1

WordPress 2.8 Beta 1 has been released. For all the new features, refer to the WordPress 2.8 in Codex. I am going to upgrade this site now.

This site is running the development versions of all my plugins, so it should work with WordPress 2.8. Please let me know if you encounter any bug.

Download: WordPress 2.8 Beta 1

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Without WWW

I have finally took some time off to redirect http://www.lesterchan.net/wordpress to https://lesterchan.net/wordpress and update my links to reflect this change.

As for my links in my WordPress plugins, I will update it when I release updates for all of them after WordPress 2.3 is released (sometime in September 2007).

For all those that linked me, it would be good if you can change my url from http://www.lesterchan.net/wordpress to https://lesterchan.net/wordpress. If you find it too troublesome to do so, you can just leave it as .htaccess will take care of it.

But most importantly, a big thank you for linking me.

Why is .www deprecated?

By default, all popular Web browsers assume the HTTP protocol. In doing so, the software prepends the ‘http://’ onto the requested URL and automatically connect to the HTTP server on port 80. Why then do many servers require their websites to communicate through the www subdomain? Mail servers do not require you to send emails to recipient@mail.domain.com. Likewise, web servers should allow access to their pages though the main domain unless a particular subdomain is required.

Succinctly, use of the www subdomain is redundant and time consuming to communicate. The internet, media, and society are all better off without it.

By: www. is deprecated.

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