Developing Plugins For WordPress

I spoke about Developing Plugins For WordPress on Wednesday, 18th June 2008 at the Singapore PHP User Group, June 2008 meetup.

This is the second time I am speaking at the user group. The first time was in December 2007 meetup where I spoke about the same topic WorPress Plugin Development With PHP.

I think this time my pace was slightly better.

By embedding this video, it breaks my site XHTML validation!

Powerpoint Slides and Source Code can be downloaded here.

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WP-EMail 2.10 Beta

Hi guys,

WP-EMail 2.10 is ready for testing, I need you guys to help me test this out because I have re-written part of the core code to support the ability to display the email form within pages. Yes, you do not need to manually edit wp-email.php anymore. It will be integrated into the page. An example of course would be this site.

I have added the styling of the email link similar to WP-Print. Check out the screenshot, readme/changelog and download link below.

» Here is the screenshot of the additional options in WP-EMail 2.10

» WP-Email 2.10 Readme/Changelog

» Click here to download WP-EMail 2.10 Beta

If you found any bug, please do not hesitate to post it in the support forums.

Thanks alot. I hope I can release this before 1st February 2007

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WordPress 2.3.2

WordPress 2.3.2 has been released and this release includes a number of changes including one security fix.

  • Performance improvements for post sanitization when raw content is required.
  • Changes to is_admin() to ensure that it is only true for admin pages thereby protecting against exposing draft posts.
  • Suppression of database errors unless WP_DEBUG is true.
  • Check for valid database connection information during install and display and error if the install fails due to database rights.
  • Support for a custom database down page to be displayed on database connection errors.
  • Changes to make sure we are more selective in what we make clickable, this introduces different rules for different uri types.
  • Changes to wp-mail.php to escape the error messages when displaying them to avoid a possible XSS attack.
  • Changes to ensure that the post password is only exposed by the xmlrpc method metaWeblog.getRecentPosts to users with rights to edit a post.
  • Changes to the information exposed the wp.getAuthors xmlrpc method to reduce the information exposed and add a capabilites check.
  • Addition of extra capabilites checks to xmlrpc methods.
  • Addition of extra capabilites checks to APP server.
  • Changes to validate_file() to improve its traversal attempt detection when running on windows.

Get yours today.

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