WP-Stats Filters

In the next release of WP-Stats, version 2.20. I will have some filters built into the Stats Page, Stats Options Page (in WP-Admin), Stats Widget and Stats Widget Options (in WP-Admin) so that other plugins can use the filters to display the stats on WP-Stats Page.

I will remove all my plugins stats from the core of WP-Stats so that I can use the filters to put in the stats into WP-Stats. I will have some examples when I finalized everything.

I have also removed all my plugins stats from WP-Stats Widget because as from now on, my individual plugin will get its own Widget. Like WP-EMail Widget, WP-PostRatings Widget etc.

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WordPress 2.7 RC 2

WordPress 2.7 RC2 has been released. It should be pretty close to the final version according to Matt:

We feel this release is pretty much exactly what we’re going to ship as 2.7, barring any final bugs or polish tweaks that you report or we find.

I am guessing we can see WordPress 2.7 final either tomorrow or on Friday.

Download: WordPress 2.7 RC 2

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14+ Awesome WordPress-Powered sites

Dougal has put up a list of 14+ awesome WordPress-powered sites on his site.

So being curious, I went to check those 14+ sites and see which sites are using my plugins.

After checking them out, 4 sites out of 14+ sites are using my plugins and they are:

» welovewp.com – WP-PostRatings
» delicious:days – WP-Polls
» PlayStation.Blog – WP-Email, WP-Polls
» Ford Motor Company’s Global Auto Shows – WP-PostRatings

Here are some sites posted in Dougal’s comments:

» WordPress Garden – WP-PostRatings
» Harry Potter Beyond – WP-Polls

Here are some sites posted in my comments:

» My Biggest Complaint – WP-PostRatings

To the webmasters of those sites, THANK YOU for your support.

PS: Maybe when I have the time I will have a links page that has links to all WordPress powered sites that are using my plugins. Just a thought =)

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