WordPress 3.8.2

WordPress 3.8.2 has been released and it is important for all you guys to update it as it is a security release.

WordPress 3.8.2 is now available. This is an important security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.
This releases fixes a weakness that could let an attacker force their way into your site by forging authentication cookies. This was discovered and fixed by Jon Cave of the WordPress security team.
It also contains a fix to prevent a user with the Contributor role from improperly publishing posts. Reported by edik.

This release also fixes nine bugs and contains three other security hardening changes:

  • Pass along additional information when processing pingbacks to help hosts identify potentially abusive requests.
  • Fix a low-impact SQL injection by trusted users. Reported by Tom Adams of dxw.
  • Prevent possible cross-domain scripting through Plupload, the third-party library WordPress uses for uploading files. Reported by Szymon Gruszecki.

Checkout out the full changelog here.

Download: WordPress 3.8.2

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WordPress 3.8.1

WordPress 3.8.1 has been released. This is a maintenance releases that fixes 31 bugs found in WordPress 3.8.

Various fixes and improvements for the new dashboard design and new themes admin screen. An issue with taxonomy queries in WP_Query was resolved. And if you’ve been frustrated by submit buttons that won’t do anything when you click on them (or thought you were going crazy, like some of us), we’ve found and fixed this “dead zone” on submit buttons.

It also contains a fix for embedding tweets (by placing the URL to the tweet on its own line), which was broken due to a recent Twitter API change.

Issues Fixed: WordPress 3.8.1
Download: WordPress 3.8.1

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WordPress 3.8 Beta 1

Wow that was quick, WordPress 3.8 Beta 1 has been released and the final release is targeted for Thursday, 12th December 2013!

I am looking forward to the new admin UI!

  • The new admin design, especially the responsive aspect of it. Try it out on different devices and browsers, see how it goes, especially the more complex pages like widgets or seldom-looked-at-places like Press This. Color schemes, which you can change on your profile, have also been spruced up.
  • The dashboard homepage has been refreshed, poke and prod it.
  • Choosing themes under Appearance is completely different, try to break it however possible.
  • There’s a new default theme, Twenty Fourteen.
  • Over 250 issues closed already.

Download: WordPress 3.8 Beta 1

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