
Developing Plugins For WordPress

I spoke about Developing Plugins For WordPress on Wednesday, 18th June 2008 at the Singapore PHP User Group, June 2008 meetup.

This is the second time I am speaking at the user group. The first time was in December 2007 meetup where I spoke about the same topic WorPress Plugin Development With PHP.

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Diablo III Official

OMFG! Blizzard has finally announced Diablo III.

Two decades have passed since the demonic denizens, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, wandered the world of Sanctuary in a vicious rampage to shackle humanity into unholy slavery. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils directly, the memory fades slowly and the wounds of the soul still burn.

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Upcoming Movie Sequels

Fourth Jason Bourne Film
The Jason Bourne trilogy is one of the best trilogy of all times, it is definitely on par with LOTR. I can’t wait for this 4th installment.

Marshall told IESB on the red carpet of the Saturn Awards that Bourne 4, as it’s being called, will “absolutely” happen. Since the fourth book, titled The Bourne Legacy, was written by Eric Van Lustbader instead of Ludlum because he was no longer alive at the time, they’re going to go down their own path. “We’re probably going to take our own direction and we’re working on what that storyline’s gonna be right now.” As for where Bourne might be going to this time, since he already made it all the way back to New York City – South America. Marshall says that they’ll probably take him “down south” to South America in the fourth installment, but story details aren’t fully finished yet.

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Curious About LEGO?

Gizmodo goes to LEGO and gives you an article on everything you always wanted to know about LEGO.

Q: Why did I always have pieces left over when I built my castle sets? Do they just do that to jack with kids?
A: For two reasons: first, because some pieces are so small that they weigh too little to be measured by their scale, during packaging (you will see this when I publish the factory tour. J.) Second, because it’s better to have too many of those pieces than have one of them missing. Since we statistically know what pieces may get lost, we include some extras when appropriate.

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Bill Gates Last Day Of Work: 27th June 2008

This Friday, the 27th June 2008 will be Bill Gates last day of work as a full time employee at Microsoft. After the 27th June 2008, he will focus on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its work in health, vaccines, education. However, he still remains as Microsoft Chairman as he is the largest single shareholder.

Source: iTWire: Goodbye to Bill Gates on June 27… but it’s not goodbye forever!

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Mystery Shopper

After 1 month of weekends into my Mystery Shopper part-time job, time for me to blog/rant about it so that I can share it with you all.

Mystery shopper may sound like a nice, interesting, and perhaps a unique job. I would have to agree on that at the beginning and totally disagree on that after just 1 day of being a mystery shopper as it is becoming a chore instead.

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