Galaxy Tab will be available in Singapore only to SingTel customers from 13th Nov 2010. You can pre-order the Galaxy Tab from and pre-order begins on 30th October 2010 till 12th November 2010. No word on the pricing yet as it will be revealed on the 14th November 2010.
The Galaxy Tab will be available with SingTelâs existing 3G Flexi price plans and a range of SingTelâs home and mobile broadband plans.
Samsung has partnered SingTel to launch the Samsung Galaxy S in Singapore. SingTel is the first telecom operator in the world to carry the Samsung Galaxy S.
The Galaxy S is an Android 2.1 phone featuring a 4″ super AMOLED screen display and a 1GHz processor. The phone displays is less reflective yet able to retain the brilliance of colors and sharp clarity. It is amazingly responsive even when typing on the keyboard. It also have haptic feedback that indicates by vibrating when you touch on any virtual keys (Li Xiang is very amaze with this).
“The Samsung LD190G wide screen monitors deliver enhanced productivity and expanded entertainment. Designed to fit perfectly with Laptop PCs, they offer USB access to multi-tasking on the move.”
Woke up at 10am today, left my house at 10.30am to Suntec City with my brother for the IT Show 2009. I decided to park at Marina Square instead of Suntec City to avoid jam at the carpark. Reach Marina Square before 11am, and still manage to eat McDonalds Breakfast.
After breakfast, immediately went to wait outside level 6 of the Suntec exhibition center. While waiting, there is this lady from MediaCorp Radio approaches us for interview. She talked to me in English first and then ask me whether I can do a Mandarin interview, I agreed since I got nothing to do. She ask some questions like what are you buying at the IT Show, how often you come to this type of fair and how much savings you can save. I am so handicapped in Mandarin. I have no idea how to translate laser, router, switch, wirless USB adapter to Mandarin!
D-Link Networking Products + Samsung 3-in-1 Multifunction Color Laser Printer And Toner
This is the first time I was invited to a Samsung event, was invited by Daniel, the PR Manager for Samsung. Previously I did two reviews on Samsung products, one is the YP-K3 and the other is a VP-MX10. This event is called Samsung Touch Event. It is to let us have a touch and feel of those Samsung phones that are announced during MWC. The product marketing (mobile) manager, Winston said there about about 20+ phones Samsung phones that is being announced at MWC, but here in Singapore, they picked 7 to showcase to us.
The 7 phones are C3050, UltraB, UltraS, BeatDisc, BeatDJ, OmniaHD and the last phone which is the flagship product is the UltraTouch. They also announced 2 services, Share Pix and Online Widgets. The Share Pix is similar to Nokia’s Share On Ovi but in this case, the pictures are first uploaded to Samsung servers and then in turn the server will upload the pictures to the designated service that the user choose like Facebook or Friendster. The online widget is just an improved version of the famous Samsung Widgets that can be found in some Samsung phones. The online widget will allow you to retrieve RSS feeds as welll as create shortcut to websites.
Went to Sitex 2008 yesterday with Julian, Kelvin and Weiquan. Surprising it was not very crowded. Now I am starting to dislike exhibitions at Sitex because it is so far! This year Sitex is quite a disappointment, Ban Leong did not take part and hence no Razer products. After walking Hall 5 and 6 of Singapore Expo, it makes me feel that this exhibition is selling TV instead of computer! The prices for some of the stuffs are not that cheap at all. I got my D-Link DNS-323 at S$199 from Comex 2008 back in August 2008 but now they are selling at S$209? Prices should drop and not increase!
I think the most value for money are the memory cards, thumbdrives and portable hardisk. Kelvin and I got the SanDisk Ultra II (Class 4) 8GB SDHC for just S$33. Julian got the SanDisk Cruzer Micro Skin 4GB Thumbdrive for just S$12! I bought the exact same thumbdrive for S$19.90 at Giant Hypermarket a few months back!
My year 3, semester 1 exams are over! Yesterday was my last paper, CS4254 – IS Project Management. The paper was the most difficult paper for me in this semester and even most of my friends say so. We did the past year paper and it was much easier even though it is set by the same lecturer.
Will be heading down to SITEX 2008 later at 12pm to hoot the Samsung 2233SW 22″ widescreen LCD monitor for S$239 for Li Xiang. That is really a good buy. It boost a resolution nearly of a 24″ widescreen monitor of 1920 x 1080, an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a 5ms response time. Click here for the full specifications.
My mom just bought a new refrigerator for the house. It is a Samsung RT58EAMT Refrigerator and it cost about S$915. The gross capacity of the fridge is 580 litres which is much bigger than my previous Sanyo SR-37ZB refrigerator. There is no one refrigerator big enough for my mom to put all her baking stuffs and hence my house always have 2 refrigerators ever since my mom picked up baking.
This new refrigerator is kinda cool, it will display the temperature of both the freezer and the refrigerator on the door. Now if only it has WIFI capability and we can monitor it directly from our browser, not just the temperature but also the groceries within the refrigerator.
Dad’s Off To Vietnam4
My dad’s flight is 10am on Singapore Airlines to Vietnam. He will be there for 6 months and coming back on the 17th December 2008 I think. He told me that if everything is good, he may get to come back 3 months later for a short period.
Reached the airport at 8am and saw my dad check in. After a while, his colleagues came along and we parted. My mom, brother, Huimin and I then went to Swensens for breakfast. The breakfast is good and value for money. Should have that more often.
Samsung has been very kind to send me a Samsung VP-MX10 for review as well as a 4 GiB SDHC SanDisk memory card.
As this is my very first camcorder, this review may not be as in dept as I cannot compare it with any other camcorder besides the video feature of my digital camera.