
Apple MacBook Air 11 Inch (Late 2010)

My boss got the Apple MacBook Air 11.6″ from the US for one of our business partner . It is the 11.6″ with 64GB of SSD. Apple Singapore is selling it for S$1,488 while the US is selling for US$999.

As the MacBook Air does not belong to me, I did not power it on, only compared the size and weight of it to my iPad, Macbook Pro and my Asus EEE 1000HE.

MacBook Air 11.6
MacBook Air 11.6″ Box

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Fabrix Booklet For iPad

Received a complimentary Fabrix Booklet For iPad (US$59.90) from Fabrix Cases. I was quite surprised they send it to me. Maybe because I bought a few cases from them. The first was for my MacBook Pro, the second was for my netbook and iPhone 3Gs and the third was a sleeve for my iPad which I forgot to blog about it.

I think I will be using this case from now on. There is like 3x iPad 16GB 3G + Wi-Fi in my family and all 3 are using the default Apple iPad Case, so it is hard to differentiate which iPad belongs to who if they are placed together.

Packaging Front
Packaging Front

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SingTel Windows Phone 7 Price Plans

After receiving Microsoft press release for launching Windows Phone 7 to Singapore, 5 minutes later, I got a SingTel press release entitled “SingTel brings Windows Phone 7 to Singapore”

The press release is pretty long, so I am not going to paste it here. I will summarize the press release into point form:

SingTel Windows Phone Price Plans
SingTel Windows Phone Price Plans

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Integrated Flickr Gallery

I have integrated Flickr API with this site using Dan Coulter‘s phpFlickr. The newly added gallery page is called Flickr Gallery. The gallery lists all the photos I have uploaded to my Flickr account. As you can see, I no longer upload photos directly to this site gallery anymore as it is a PITA to manage them. I have since moved on to Flickr for all my photos.

Here are some of the Flickr APIs that I am using for the gallery:

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