
My Programming Portfolio Page

I have changed all my plugins download links listed on My Programming Portfolio Page to point to the Official WordPress Plugins Repository instead of to my own site as many users have problem downloading it from my site because DreamHost is quite sucky recently. I have been able to download it at times and most of the times the download just got cut off. So I figured out it would be better to point it directly to plugins repository instead.

Sorry if it took so long, I have been very busy with my school.

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Phew, just submitted my CS3214 on Friday at 3pm after camping 2 days in school rushing for it due to some hiccups the last week. I think the hopes for at least an A- is dashed for it, hopefully I still can get B+ for it. I made the right choice by doing CS3214 this semester as my teammates are all damn good in their own areas, web, documentation and business logic, kudos to you guys and girls. I will be going back to school tomorrow for rehearsal for my presentation will be on Wednesday.

NUS Facebook Course (CS3216)
I posted an entry entitled, NUS Offering Facebook Programming and someone posted that article on and after that I got an interview from The New Paper (TNP). And apparently this causes quite an amount of attention to be given to my school as The Sunday Times, TNP and Channel 8 & U has asked for a story on the new Facebook course. They are going to hold a press briefing next Wednesday and so happen on that day is my CS3214 presentation, if the postpone it to other days, I will be going down to help.

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Pocky Chocolate/Strawberry

This is not an advert, it is my mom’s company. I going to make use of my traffic to let search engines crawl First Food Industries Pte Ltd. There is so far 201 products listed in the Products Page. In case you all want to know, my mom is one of the two agents in Singapore that distributes Glico products, like Pocky Chocolate and Pocky Strawberry, just to name a few. Check out the range of Glico Products.

PS: I am not a designer so the website design kinda suck and the site is meant to be an online catalog and not a online shopping site (my mom decision).

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Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Beta 1

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser that makes browsing more efficient than ever before. Firefox includes pop-up blocking; a tab-browsing; integrated Google searching; simplified privacy controls that let you cover your tracks more effectively; a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser; and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.


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