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11 thoughts on “WP-Polls Update”

  1. hi lester

    i tried sending you an email to your hotmail account but it bounced back

    I cant find where to ask this so I will do it here since it is somewhat related 🙂

    I am using your wp-ratings plugin. Is there a way to limit the number of “Highest rating” “most rated” that show in the sidebar?

    right now it shows every post that has been rated, in order.. i only want the top 3 to show.

    can you please email me with a response if you can in case i forget to check back here?


  2. Hi. Did you put the newly revised wp-polls in the download section of your site? I still got the old one when I tried downloading it…


  3. hi,GaMerZ

    I am now using your wp-ratings plugin. I want the rating to be in the same line with the text before it, but it is now always getting to the next line. You can see this on my website, I want Permalink, Comments and Rating to be in the same line.Could you please tell me what to do? Thanks.

  4. hmmm i think u have to have to add display: inline; for the postratings-css.css

    I have no idea whether it works or not as i kinda suck in css.

  5. hi,GaMerZ

    I am using the WP-polls plug in, and it is working fine in Firefox. In Explorer there is an awful lot of space between the title and the options. Is there any solution to that problem?

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