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I have no idea, check your error log to see if there is any useful information
Why in the world did you change the insert poll text to [poll id="x"]???
I didn’t even realize this until I just looked at a few of my polls and all of them showed my most recent poll rather than the correct ones. So now I’m supposed to go back and edit all of my previous posts to change it to “poll id=” and as a result a bunch of my previous post formatting is going to get screwed up thanks to WordPress.
I love the poll plugin but this is a major inconvenience. Grrr.
Hey, how can I remove the stars in the “highest rated” widget (see on my website in the left sidebar)?
I tried to alter the template for ‘Highest Rated’ but obviously the widget does not use the template…
Other things I injected in Lester’s code in the version before were continuous numbers like in an ordered list (). But this time he confused me, I don’t even find the function get_highest_rated…
Found a solution hint in the forum, “Go To WP-Admin -> Design -> Widgets -> Most Rated Widget OR Highest Rated Widget. Click on the Configure icon and then set the post title cut off characters to 0” makes wp-postratings widget use the editable templates.
Thanks for the nice plugin!
@Michael Glad you found it =)
Your plugin is awesome, I have tested it on my localhost it worked for me 🙂
Thanks for the compliments =D
Have you tested it on WP 2.6 ?
Nope but technically it should work without problems.
Just a heads up, I don’t think sticky works w/ “future posted” posts. Can anyone second this? TIA
PS. I’m using the latest WP-Sticky and The Future is Now 1.0 plugin.
Try a fresh install of WP with just WP-Sticky and Future plugin.
@Lester: You may take a look at a test-install here, It only has the plugins which you stated (enabled and under /plugins dir). Sticky options are default: No, No, and ‘Announcement’. Default WP fresh-install settings as well (except for permalink).
PS. Keep up the great work!
Did you sticky it or make it an announcement?
If future post did modify the default sql query that wordpress generates, it will be conflicted with WP-Sticky.
Hey. I hope this gives more of a better outlook. I updated the page, and it list the following entries like this now:
* 2008-07-04 6:00:47 am. Announcement
* 2008-07-04 5:55:20 am. Announcement
* 2009-07-01 7:00:43 am. Future
* 2009-06-30 12:13:42 pm. Future Sticky
* 2009-06-30 1:09:45 pm. Future
* 2008-07-04 7:00:18 am. Future Sticky
* 2008-07-04 8:00:31 am. Future
* 2008-06-30 12:52:39 pm. Sticky
* 2008-06-30 12:53:02 pm. Regular
* 2008-06-30 12:51:18 pm. Regular
So, is this how it should act (i.e. Announcements > Future Sticky > Future > Sticky > Regular), about right?
If so, we can also derive that a Future Sticky is only higher in precedence than a Future for that given day in the future. I.e.
* 2009-07-01 7:00:43 am. Future
* 2009-06-30 12:13:42 pm. Future Sticky
* 2009-06-30 1:09:45 pm. Future
* 2008-07-04 7:00:18 am. Future Sticky
* 2008-07-04 8:00:31 am. Future
That about the right behavior we should be getting? TIA
Looks okie to me
Alright, sounds good. I’ll keep the precedence in mind.
PS. A bit out of the sticky-side of things, but why is this so?
* 2009-07-01 7:00:43 am. Future
* 2009-06-30 12:13:42 pm. Future Sticky
* 2009-06-30 1:09:45 pm. Future
Is it more on the SQL-side? Just wondering… TIA
You can read about it here
PageNavi plugin can’t work with categories,
with this code:
1) $offset=$numpost*($paged-1);
else $offset=0;//
You need to include your paged within the query posts. Do a search in
This is not a support channel.
good plugins!
When I click on the rating stars, it continues to show loading and does not show any output. Here is the post link for your easy reference:
Don’t be lazy, search for the solutions
And Also, I rated the first post and it works for me