Email a copy of 'Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins December 2008 Update' to a friend

Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins
Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins Development Blog
Email a copy of 'Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins December 2008 Update' to a friend
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lester, you are AMAZING! not only are these plugins all outstanding, but your support forums are incredible (i mean your responses!!)
out of curiosity, i was wondering if you’ll be writing up any kind of blog summary that explains what exactly happens if one uses (for example) a plugin that duplicates new 2.7 functionality – the biggest one that jumps to mind is comment paging as well as ‘wp sticky’
would usign these plugins cause errors or in any way duplicate calls or functions? should we effectively pick one or the other!?
Nope will not. If you are using WP-Sticky 2.40, it will solve the duplicate function call issue
Hello Lester.
First thank your for your great plugin.
I’m using WP-EMail 2.31 and WP-PostRatings 1.31 but I did not received any notification for update to 2.40 and to 1.40 respectively so what I want know if I can download the plugins, disable it in wordpress, update it and activate it again without lost any configuration or should I do a backup or has to reconfigure after the update?.
Best regards
Also you should use the plugin Subscribe To Comments.
Hi Lester.
Thank you very much for creating v 2.40 of WP-Print & WP-Email – I upgraded to WordPress v2.7 from v2.65 and read that these two plug ins of yours required updating.
Well I did just that and the print and email links didn;t work – I went through your forums and saw other people having a similar problem.
The fix which is probably not a fix, but something I forgot to do, was to simply re-create the Permalinks and both plug ins work fine now.
Thank you very much for your work to date – you are providing an invaluable service to the WordPress community.
@Nehemoth: There is some problem with the plugins repository, apparently it only detected updates for WP-Sticky and WP-RelativeDate even though I committed them altogether. Updating the plugin will not lose your configuration. If you asked me, I would prefer to update it manually. Just download the plugin, deactivate the previous version of the plugins and then overwrite the files and activate it back.
@Bharat: Thanks for the compliments =)
Thank you lester.
You are doing an amazing work, but I’m very sure you already know it.
keep goin’
Thank you =D
I just want to inform you about an experience with your database plugin WP-DBManager…
I am using WP 2.7 and I made a backup of the whole database (before manipulating some tables…)
The manipulation failed and I started to restore the backup. But I could not manage it. Neither from within your plugin nor with phpMyAdmin…
Eventually I found a solution: I removed all “LOCK TABLE/UNLOCK TABLE” commands of the database backup file and afterwards it worked…
Perhaps it was due to the fact that my hoster provides MySQL 4.1…?
Your MYSQL user might not been assigned LOCK and UNLOCK privileges,
Thanks a lot for your plugins!
I just found them and I think I’m gonna start using at least 3 of them!
Thanks for the support 🙂
Thanks for the plugins
Hi Lester
I’m using your wp-print on some pages. And I like it a lot. On one page I GET THIS INFO…
(403 – Forbidden)
Access to this site is currently restricted. Please try again in one hour. If you own this website, please contact your web host.
Thank you!”
Do you know any plugins, there don’t work with your plugin? I don’t know what to do. My host are trying too.
I think I replied you in the forum
Great plugin! I think my brother will like it!
Hi Lester!
Thanks a lot for your work, really apreciated.
Now, i have a proble trying to register on your forums. I can´t do it because the letters on the picture were wrong. I´m sure i have typed the letters correctly but the system is not agree 🙂
I need to solve a doubt with wp-downloadmanager. I woud like to show a link to the post which contain the download link. Can i do that? and how?
Thanks again
Best regards.
That is not possible because the plugin will not know which post is it embedded in.