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(550 votes, average: 4.04 out of 5)
21 thoughts on “WP-Polls & WP-DBManager Bumped to v2.60”
Hi, but how to write a page like https://lesterchan.net/wordpress/pollsarchive/ , I installed the WP polls and User Online, but when i click the ‘poll archive’ or ‘user online’, i just received nothing but a error page. Help me please.
Read the readme.html and note the tabs on top
OK, thanks for your amazing reply, I will try it now.
Thanks a lot for your great work! I really love your plugins and since I have discovered that you are also responsible for YOURLS, I am totally amazed by your programming skills. 😉
(Before I have always used Pretty Link but since yourls is completely free and offers awesome statistics with traffic locations and so on, I’m using it for all my new blogs)
Thanks for the compliments. YOURLS is started by me, but Ozh (http://planetozh.com/) another WP guru put in tremendous effort in taking it to the next level =)
Nice plugin. How does one make the question field longer and control font size, color, font family, etc?
Hi Chan, i can not find any contact form on Your website, i guess that You are very busy at this time.. 🙂
I need custom change to WP-Polls script- I need some custom function.
(I will pay for this, of course)
If You can do this (or not) , please contact me. Thank You
Hi Michael, WP-Polls supports HTML code, you can try typing HTML code inside. As for field length, it is part of the structure (in the DB col), I don’t recommend you changing it unless you know what you are doing.
Hi Stats, I am no longer taking on any WordPress Projects =)
Awesome, nice plugin. Thank you 🙂
Will this plugin ever work in 3.0? I just sticks on loading….. and you can’t vote. You also can’t delete polls or close them in the admin.
I’m using:
Contact Form 7
Embedded Video
Really Simple CAPTCHA
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WordPress.com Stats
Get Recent Comments
Google XML Sitemaps
This plugin works with WP 3.0 out of the box. A good example is this site.
Hi Lester,
There is no “wp-dbmanager.pot” and “wp-dbmanager.mo” files in the WP-DBManager v2.60 archive, but they were in the v2.50 archive before.
My bad, in the mean time you can make use of the one in v2.50, run an update and it will extract out all the text
I was noticing on my dark theme, how the spinning “loading” icon after a vote has an opaque background. Might I suggest using the following patch or incorporating the change into the global CSS file. It corrects the transparency issue.
Hi! Just found out I couldn’t get wp-DBManager to work on my site. http://www.hambone.com.my. It says, can’t run, fatal error 🙁
Do hope to get some advice.
Dark Overload: Could you email me the patch instead? lesterchan AT gmail
Leo Koo: Google for memory exhausted WordPress. I think you are encountering that
Hi Lester,
Thank you for the plugin. After I move .htaccess to the backup-db directory, I still get the error message:
“Your backup folder MIGHT be visible to the public
To correct this issue, move the .htaccess file from wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager to /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/backup-db”
Hi, but how to write a page like https://lesterchan.net/wordpress/pollsarchive/ , I installed the WP polls and User Online, but when i click the ‘poll archive’ or ‘user online’, i just received nothing but a error page. Help me please.
Read the readme.html and note the tabs on top
OK, thanks for your amazing reply, I will try it now.
Thanks a lot for your great work! I really love your plugins and since I have discovered that you are also responsible for YOURLS, I am totally amazed by your programming skills. 😉
(Before I have always used Pretty Link but since yourls is completely free and offers awesome statistics with traffic locations and so on, I’m using it for all my new blogs)
Thanks for the compliments. YOURLS is started by me, but Ozh (http://planetozh.com/) another WP guru put in tremendous effort in taking it to the next level =)
wp-pols and jcarousel (http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/) does not work conflict
Is there a solution to the problem
Nice plugin. How does one make the question field longer and control font size, color, font family, etc?
Hi Chan, i can not find any contact form on Your website, i guess that You are very busy at this time.. 🙂
I need custom change to WP-Polls script- I need some custom function.
(I will pay for this, of course)
If You can do this (or not) , please contact me. Thank You
Hi Michael, WP-Polls supports HTML code, you can try typing HTML code inside. As for field length, it is part of the structure (in the DB col), I don’t recommend you changing it unless you know what you are doing.
Hi Stats, I am no longer taking on any WordPress Projects =)
Awesome, nice plugin. Thank you 🙂
Will this plugin ever work in 3.0? I just sticks on loading….. and you can’t vote. You also can’t delete polls or close them in the admin.
I’m using:
Contact Form 7
Embedded Video
Really Simple CAPTCHA
Subscription Icons
WordPress.com Stats
Get Recent Comments
Google XML Sitemaps
This plugin works with WP 3.0 out of the box. A good example is this site.
Hi Lester,
There is no “wp-dbmanager.pot” and “wp-dbmanager.mo” files in the WP-DBManager v2.60 archive, but they were in the v2.50 archive before.
My bad, in the mean time you can make use of the one in v2.50, run an update and it will extract out all the text
I was noticing on my dark theme, how the spinning “loading” icon after a vote has an opaque background. Might I suggest using the following patch or incorporating the change into the global CSS file. It corrects the transparency issue.
--- wp-polls.php~ 2010-12-19 14:59:47.000000000 -0500
+++ wp-polls.php 2010-12-19 15:00:10.000000000 -0500
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
if($display_loading) {
$poll_ajax_style = get_option('poll_ajax_style');
if(intval($poll_ajax_style['loading']) == 1) {
- $temp_pollvote .= " ".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...\n";
+ $temp_pollvote .= " ".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...\n";
} else {
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
if($display_loading) {
$poll_ajax_style = get_option('poll_ajax_style');
if(intval($poll_ajax_style['loading']) == 1) {
- $temp_pollresult .= " ".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...\n";
+ $temp_pollresult .= " ".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...\n";
} else {
Ignore that last comment, the filter damaged the code block. Download the patch file here: http://darkoverload.homelinux.org/wp-polls.php.patch
Hi! Just found out I couldn’t get wp-DBManager to work on my site. http://www.hambone.com.my. It says, can’t run, fatal error 🙁
Do hope to get some advice.
Dark Overload: Could you email me the patch instead? lesterchan AT gmail
Leo Koo: Google for memory exhausted WordPress. I think you are encountering that
Hi Lester,
Thank you for the plugin. After I move .htaccess to the backup-db directory, I still get the error message:
“Your backup folder MIGHT be visible to the public
To correct this issue, move the .htaccess file from wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager to /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/backup-db”
Any ideas?
One more thing.
I actually removed:
add_action(‘admin_notices’, ‘dbmanager_admin_notices’);
in wp-dbmanager.php. Is that okay to do?
How to add extra fields ahead of the poll, ex, requiring the user to enter name, location etc?