WordPress 3.1.3

WordPress 3.1.3 has been released and it contains security fixes and enhancements.

  • Various security hardening by Alexander Concha.
  • Taxonomy query hardening by John Lamansky.
  • Prevent sniffing out user names of non-authors by using canonical redirects. Props VerĂ³nica Valeros.
  • Media security fixes by Richard Lundeen of Microsoft, Jesse Ou of Microsoft, and Microsoft Vulnerability Research.
  • Improves file upload security on hosts with dangerous security settings.
  • Cleans up old WordPress import files if the import does not finish.
  • Introduce “clickjacking” protection in modern browsers on admin and login pages.

Changelog: WordPress 3.1.3
Download: WordPress 3.1.3
Download: Modified files since WordPress 3.1.2

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2 thoughts on “WordPress 3.1.3”

  1. I am sorry to disturb you because I occur a problem with your wordpress plugins wp-postratings. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much.

    I use the following code in my index.php and find that when I use the function foreach() and the-ratings() together, the-rating() function can’t find the $ratings_id, so my source code is . The $ratings_id is blank in the code.

    ID, ‘image’, true); ?>
    post_content,50,’…’); ?>

    <a href="”><img src="” alt=”” />

  2. code in index.php:

    ID, ‘image’, true); ?>
    post_content,50,’…’); ?>

    <a href="”><img src="” alt=”” />

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