Remote File

I have added a feature to WP-DownloadManager that will allow you to add a remote file to the downloads. This remote file will looks as if it resides on your own server and the process is totally transparent to the user. The only downside is at times it is unable to get the file size and hence it will display as unknown.

I have added WP-PostRatings 1.20 Beta 1 as an example of remote file. Remember that the file does not reside in this sever but it is pointing to a remote file url which is

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WP-PostRatings Up/Down Ratings

Many of you guys requested the up/down or some call it thumbs up/thumbs down feature in WP-PostRatings. I am proud to say that along side with the default rating styles, you can have the up/down ratings easily and on top of that you can have custom image for each individual rating. So what that means is that, if you want to have 5 different images for 5 different type of ratings instead of the same old 5 repetitive stars, now you can.

I have also make it compatible with WP-Cache, thanks to the code provided by Nir Aides. This time there is a huge modification to the core code and I need beta testers for this. If anyone of you guys is interested, drop me an email @ gamerz84 AT hotmail DOT com.

Thank you.

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WP-Stats Filters

In the next release of WP-Stats, version 2.20. I will have some filters built into the Stats Page, Stats Options Page (in WP-Admin), Stats Widget and Stats Widget Options (in WP-Admin) so that other plugins can use the filters to display the stats on WP-Stats Page.

I will remove all my plugins stats from the core of WP-Stats so that I can use the filters to put in the stats into WP-Stats. I will have some examples when I finalized everything.

I have also removed all my plugins stats from WP-Stats Widget because as from now on, my individual plugin will get its own Widget. Like WP-EMail Widget, WP-PostRatings Widget etc.

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Plugins Uninstaller

My first plugin to have an uninstaller is WP-Polls and it is contributed by Philippe Corbes. Recently there is a thread in WordPress Forums asking plugin authors to provide uninstaller for their plugins. And that motivated me to add uninstaller to all my plugins, and they will be included in the next release.

I urge all plugin authors to do the same thing to prevent the options table from being overloaded with plugins’ options, and the wost part being that the plugin has already been deactivated and deleted.

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Widgets And Uninstaller

In short, Widgets and Uninstaller will be included in WP-PostRatings and WP-PostViews in version 1.20 onwards

WP-PostRatings widget supports “Most Rated” and “Highest Rated” posts and/or pages. WP-PostViews widget supports “Most Viewed” post and/or pages.

This should make quite a lot of users happy because they always wanted this feature instead of manually inputting php codes into the widget.

I have also added in an option page for WP-PostViews under “WP-Admin -> Options -> Post Views” in version 1.20. So now user can choose to let WP-PostViews count views from everyone, guest only or registered users only from the options page rather than manually editing the php code.

The release date hopefully will be around October 2007.

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