I tested it on WordPress 3.1.1 but technically it should work with any version higher than WordPress 2.5 because ShortCode was introduced in WordPress 2.5.
lesterchan.net is the blog and portfolio site of Lester Chan who is also the author of many popular WordPress plugins like WP-Polls and WP-PageNavi.
For the blog section, it is updated on a regular basis from topics ranging from gadgets to technology and even current affairs in Singapore
For the portfolio section, it features the resume as well as the WordPress plugins page.
lesterchan.net showcase how extensible WordPress can be in terms of themes and plugins.
For themes, the sidebar can be switch to either the left or right side and the preference will be save into the browser cookie so that in future visit, it will display the menu on your prefered side.
For plugins, there is the gallery page over at https://lesterchan.net/gallery/ which implements basic gallery features such as category and pagination.