WP-Polls 2.20 Beta 1 Test

WP-Polls 2.20 Beta 1 is out the door. As usual, please do not run it on a live site as it is still in a beta stage. There are A LOT of changes between WP-Polls 2.14 and WP-Polls 2.20. 2 major ones are the implementation of polls that allow users to choose multiple answers and AJAX used in the administration panel.

I will try to capture screenshots for all of my plugins when I have the time to do so in addition to the live demo mainly because the administration panel cannot be shown. WP-Polls is the first plugin to get screenshoted.

Screenshots: http://www.lesterchan.net/wordpress/screenshots/browse/wp-polls/

WP-Polls 2.20 RC 1 has been released.

If you downloaded it, please feedback to me via the Support Forums or by email.

Thank You.

Support forums: http://forums.lesterchan.net
Make sure you are using WordPress 2.1 and NOT WordPress 2.0.x

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WP-Polls 2.20 RC1

I am proud to release WP-Polls 2.20 RC1, a lot of work and effort have been put into it and it is now ready to be tested. If there is no bugs reported before 1st June 2007, this will be the final release.

Changelog since WP-Polls 2.14:

  • NEW: Poll Archive Link, Individual Poll Header And Footer In Poll Archive Template
  • NEW: Poll Templates Has Now Its Own Page ‘WP-Admin -> Polls -> Poll Templates’
  • NEW: Poll Widget Can Now Display Multiple Polls
  • NEW: Ability To Allow User To Select More Than 1 Poll Answer
  • NEW: Added AJAX Style Option: “Show Loading Image With Text”
  • NEW: Added AJAX Style Option: “Show Fading In And Fading Out Of Polls”
  • NEW: Major Changes To The Administration Panel For WP-Polls
  • NEW: AJAX Added To The Administration Panel For WP-Polls
  • NEW: Default Poll’s Result Template Will Now Show Number Of Votes Beside The Percentage
  • NEW: Term “Total Votes” Changed To “Total Voters”. Refer To Here
  • NEW: Removed Polls From Feed If The Poll Is Embedded Into The Post Using [ poll=ID ]
  • NEW: Filtering Of Individual Poll Logs
  • FIXED: Poll Archive Will Now Show Only Polls Results

As usual, if there is any bugs, PLEASE POST IT IN THE SUPPORT FORUMS and not in the comments. Thank you.

» WP-Polls 2.20

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WordPress 3.7 Beta 1

Looks like when I am in Thailand for a holiday over the weekends, WordPress 3.7 Beta 1 is released! WordPress 3.7 will be a short one, with its final version coming in October 2013 and immediately after that, WordPress 3.8 will be targeted for release by end of the year. WordPress 3.8 will be where most of the features are!

One of the features in 3.7 that I am looking for is “Automatic, background updates”. It updates itself in the background, just like Google Chrome! When is the last time you notice Google Chrome is updating? Not me!

3.7 Beta 1 will keep itself updated. That’s right — you’ll be updated each night to the newest development build, and eventually to Beta 2. We’re working to provide as many installs as possible with fast updates to security releases of WordPress — and you can help us test by just installing Beta 1 on your server and seeing how it works!

Some other stuff:

  • If you’re running WordPress in another language, we’ll automatically download any available translations for official WordPress importers and the default themes. (More to come here.)
  • Our password meter got a whole lot better, thanks to Dropbox’s zxcvbn library. Again, subtle but effective. Strong passwords are very important!
  • Search results are now ordered by relevance, rather than just by date. When your keywords match post titles and not just content, they’ll be pushed to the top.
  • Developers should check out the new advanced date queries in WP_Query. (#18694)
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WordPress 2.3 Released

WordPress 2.3 has been released and I have updated this site to it without any problems.

Copy + Paste from Development Blog

  1. Native tagging support allows you to use tags in addition to categories on your post, if you so choose. We’ve included importers for the Ultimate Tag Warrior, Jerome’s Keywords, Simple Tags, and Bunny’s Technorati Tag plugins so if you’ve already been using a tagging plugin you can bring your data into the new system. The tagging system is also wicked-fast, so your host won’t mind.
  2. Our new update notification lets you know when there is a new release of WordPress or when any of the plugins you use has an update available. It works by sending your blog URL, plugins, and version information to our new api.wordpress.org service which then compares it to the plugin database and tells you what the latest and greatest is you can use.
  3. We’ve cleaned up URLs a bunch in a feature we call canonical URLs which does things like enforce your no-www preference, redirect posts with changed slugs so a link never goes bad, redirect URLs that get cut off in emails on similar to the correct post, and much more. This helps your users, and it also helps your search engine optimization, as search engines like for each page to be available in one canonical location.
  4. Our new pending review feature will be great for multi-author blogs. It allows authors to submit a post for review by an editor or administrator, where before they would just have to save a draft and hope someone noticed it.
  5. There is new advanced WYSIWYG functionality (we call it the kitchen sink button) that allows you to access some features of TinyMCE that were previously hidden.
  6. Full and complete Atom 1.0 support, including the publishing protocol.
  7. We’re using the new jQuery whis is “800% faster.”
  8. Behind the user-facing tags system is a really kickass taxonomy system which, which adds a ton of flexibility. It’s probably the biggest schema upgrade since version 1.5.
  9. The importers have been revamped to be more memory efficient, and you can now add an importer through a plugin.
  10. Through hooks and filters you can now override the update system, the dashboard RSS feeds, the feed parser, and tons more than you could in 2.2.
  11. The new $wpdb->prepare() way of doing SQL queries.
  12. Finally there were over 351 tickets in Trac closed for this release, with over a hundred people contributing. This is the polish, the hundreds of tiny bug fixes and features that make WordPress what it is.

More detailed changes can be found in WordPress Codex.

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