WP-Print And WP-EMail On WP 2.3

Someone reported to me that WP-Email is not working on this site, and after some checking, I also found out that WP-Print is also not working due to the extra / that WordPress generates for wp-print and wp-email permalink structure in WP 2.3.

WP-EMail has another problem which took me 4 hours just go pin-point it. Apparently when it includes wp-email.php and in wp-email.php there is a add_filter(‘the_title’) which hooks onto the title filter. For some reasons, the core WordPress function get_the_title() is casing the server to throw an error. In order to bypass it I have to create a new function to emulate something like the get_the_title() function.

I have since fixed all the bugs that I mentioned above and now WP-Print and WP-EMail will only work for WP2.3 and nothing below it. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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WP-PostRatings Up/Down Ratings

Many of you guys requested the up/down or some call it thumbs up/thumbs down feature in WP-PostRatings. I am proud to say that along side with the default rating styles, you can have the up/down ratings easily and on top of that you can have custom image for each individual rating. So what that means is that, if you want to have 5 different images for 5 different type of ratings instead of the same old 5 repetitive stars, now you can.

I have also make it compatible with WP-Cache, thanks to the code provided by Nir Aides. This time there is a huge modification to the core code and I need beta testers for this. If anyone of you guys is interested, drop me an email @ gamerz84 AT hotmail DOT com.

Thank you.

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WordPress 3.1.3

WordPress 3.1.3 has been released and it contains security fixes and enhancements.

  • Various security hardening by Alexander Concha.
  • Taxonomy query hardening by John Lamansky.
  • Prevent sniffing out user names of non-authors by using canonical redirects. Props Verónica Valeros.
  • Media security fixes by Richard Lundeen of Microsoft, Jesse Ou of Microsoft, and Microsoft Vulnerability Research.
  • Improves file upload security on hosts with dangerous security settings.
  • Cleans up old WordPress import files if the import does not finish.
  • Introduce “clickjacking” protection in modern browsers on admin and login pages.

Changelog: WordPress 3.1.3
Download: WordPress 3.1.3
Download: Modified files since WordPress 3.1.2

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WP-Polls 2.1 Beta

I have updated my wp-polls to 2.1 beta to this site.

The poll is now AJAX based, please feel free to play around with it. I have disabled the logging of IP and cookie for the poll because I will be testing it. If not normally you can only vote once.

How Is The New AJAX WP-Polls 2.1?

  • Cool (87%, 299 Votes)
  • It Sucks (13%, 46 Votes)

Total Voters: 345

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WordPress 3.6 Beta 1

WordPress 3.6 Beta 1 has been released! The final version of WordPress 3.6 is expected to ship on 29th April 2013.

To start off, WordPress 3.6 will ship with a new default theme, named Twenty Thirteen.

What’s New In WordPress 3.6

  • Post Formats: Post Formats now have their own UI, and theme authors have access to templating functions to access the structured data.
  • Twenty Thirteen: We’re shipping this year’s default theme in our first release of the year. Twenty Thirteen is an opinionated, color-rich, blog-centric theme that makes full use of the new Post Formats support.
  • Audio/Video: You can embed audio and video files into your posts without relying on a plugin or a third party media hosting service.
  • Autosave: Posts are now autosaved locally. If your browser crashes, your computer dies, or the server goes offline as you’re saving, you won’t lose the your post.
  • Post Locking: See when someone is currently editing a post, and kick them out of it if they fall asleep at the keyboard.
  • Nav Menus: Nav menus have been simplified with an accordion-based UI, and a separate tab for bulk-assigning menus to locations.
  • Revisions: The all-new revisions UI features avatars, a slider that scrubs through history, and two-slider range comparisons.

Download: WordPress 3.6 Beta 1

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