Statistics: Blog

Comments Posted By dave

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AJAX Not Working For WP-Email, WP-Polls, WP-PostRatings or WP-PostViews?

Yes I did put it, but it got overwritten in the process, thank

» Posted By Dave On 10th July 2012 @ 01:59

Hi, I got this plugin and I’m trying to get it run, working under wp 3.4.1. Basically I don’t have any error listed above… and the plugin is currently loading the css and js, but nothing is shown in the page, I don’t see the ratings at all, and everything is enabled…

» Posted By Dave On 7th July 2012 @ 02:31

Away From 7th December 2009 To 27th December 2009

Thanks for the update! Have fun on your holidays and thanks for all your work this year!

» Posted By Dave On 4th December 2009 @ 02:19

Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins December 2008 Update

lester, you are AMAZING! not only are these plugins all outstanding, but your support forums are incredible (i mean your responses!!)

out of curiosity, i was wondering if you’ll be writing up any kind of blog summary that explains what exactly happens if one uses (for example) a plugin that duplicates new 2.7 functionality – the biggest one that jumps to mind is comment paging as well as ‘wp sticky’

would usign these plugins cause errors or in any way duplicate calls or functions? should we effectively pick one or the other!?

» Posted By dave On 13th December 2008 @ 00:31

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode

PHP4 makes life difficult for a lot of people. 😉 I just gave my current blog hosting a “warning”, if no action I’ll move them over to my hosting with the rest of my PHP5 sites.

ps – if I may be so bold, you may want to add a warning in your docs about that requirement. I googled for the error and found hundreds of sites.

» Posted By dave On 29th June 2008 @ 11:53

I’m curious, I totally missed where in the documentation that it requires php5. My site broke, and my hosting doesn’t provide php 5, and I can’t roll back to 1.2 for some reason, need to check a few other things. I think LC has probably the best widgets out there, and quite likely the best documented as well, so I’ll not gripe too loudly.

I’ll admit maybe I missed something, but to say “just upgrade to php 5” is a little out of touch with reality and a bit junior. I’m a huge advocate of php 5 and it powers most of the sites i run professionally, but php5 adoption is still lagging behind.

» Posted By dave On 29th June 2008 @ 07:18

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