New Support Forums

New Support Forums
Hi guys,

The support forums for my plugins is at I have just “reformatted” it to Simple Machines. If you run into any problems with my plugin, kindly post it in the forums.

If I do not answer your question within 3 days, feel free to bump it as I may miss it.

My exams are over, hopefully I can start work on the WP-Downloads and update some of my plugins. My main focus here is to get version 3 of my site out and then all the plugins will roll out accordingly because the new site will need them. Be patient with me =)

WP-Polls 2.13
It is more or less ready to be released, I will release it sometime this week, latest by next week. It features bug fixes, poll bar styling option in Polls -> Poll Options (allowing you to use CSS or Image) and most importantly I have internationalize (no idea whether is it the right word to use) it, so now you can translate wp-polls into your own language just by modifying the .po file.

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7 thoughts on “New Support Forums”

  1. hmmm if you want I can send you wp-polls 2.13 first, drop me an email, gamerz84 AT hotmail DOT com

    I am preparing to release it on last week of december along with wp-useronline and wp-stats

  2. I’m very interested in your new poll version, too!

    A multi-language poll will be great.

    Do you already know the release date?

    Great work!


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