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Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins
Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins Development Blog
Email a copy of 'Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins July 2008 Update' to a friend
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I am using your plugins and like them. Recently downloaded your WP-PostRatings 1.31 plugin for my wordpress 2.5.1 version website.
It worked fine (rating posts) but when I want to show highest rated posts on the sidebar (using the widget) or even using the codes you give in usage page for outside the loop, they dont work?!?
I get:
Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in ……/wp-content/plugins/wp-postratings/wp-postratings.php on line 637
I read your post about this error and you say php5 is needed. I use hostgator and they have php5.
Can you pls help?
Thanks and regards.
Try asking your host about it. Your host maybe running PHP5, but your site may be on PHP4.
Hello Lester,
first I wanna thank you for the great plugins you released so far. They are among the best ones.
Now, a couple of things.
I made a simple modification to the WP-DownloadManager 1.31 in order to make it WordPress MU ready. You build the default options for the “download path” and the “download path URL” keeping in mind a simple WordPress installation. The plugin as you released use so the same download path for each blog in the WPMU network.
I changed the file wp-downloadmanager, replacing the lines 1186-1187 with the following ones:
global $blog_id;
if (isset($blog_id)) {
add_option(‘download_path’, WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/blogs.dir/’ . $blog_id . ‘/files/downloads/’, ‘Download Path’);
add_option(‘download_path_url’, WP_CONTENT_URL.’/blogs.dir/’ . $blog_id . ‘/files/downloads/’, ‘Download Path URL’);
else {
add_option(‘download_path’, WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/files/downloads/’, ‘Download Path’);
add_option(‘download_path_url’, WP_CONTENT_URL.’/files/downloads/’, ‘Download Path URL’);
By the way, I also added the dir “downloads” at the end of the path, because it seems cleaner to me.
Moreover, I modified the rows 1213-1214 in the same above file with the following ones:
if(!is_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/blogs.dir/’ . $blog_id . ‘/files/downloads/’)) {
mkdir(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/blogs.dir/’ . $blog_id . ‘/files/downloads/’, 0777, true);
I hope you will choose to integrate this modifications in the official version, so that I will not be compelled to port them in your next releases of the plugin.
Ah, one more thing: it would be nice (but not strictly necessary) to change the “nice urls” in wp-downloadmanager from “/download/” to “/download/slug-of-the-download-name”. What do you think about it?
@Nemo, Thanks for the modifications, I will add them into 1.40 =D Regarding the slug name it will require more work then id to check for it.
@Lester: good, I am glad of that. The 1.40 release will be the next one?
Regarding the slug, well, I guessed that! 😉
Bye bye.
My school is starting soon, I so I am guessing end of the year when 2.7 is released.
That’s perfect 😉
Whoops, the second modification is not complete: it works only on MU.
This is the correct one:
if (isset($blog_id)) {
if(!is_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/blogs.dir/’ . $blog_id . ‘/files/downloads/’)) {
mkdir(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/blogs.dir/’ . $blog_id . ‘/files/downloads/’, 0777, true);
else {
if(!is_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/files/downloads/’)) {
mkdir(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/files/downloads/’, 0777, true);
Noted, I think I going to change to /files/ instead of /files/downloads/ as that is the default directory for wp-downloadmanager =D
Ok 🙂
BTW i have tried your plugin and it seems it does not work on 2.6 (what is bad, as i am unable to find how to make a dashboard widget without other plugins).
The dashboard widget is working for me in 2.6. check out my WP-ServerInfo.
OH, I got it! the problem was that i didnt put it in the plugins/PLUGINAME folder but just under plugins/
thank you and sorry
I’m not fluence in english, I just want to say Thank You friend’s
I’m also getting the Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /wp-postratings/wp-postratings.php on line 637. My host uses php 5.2.5 so it should work. Any known fixes?
@Displayname: Wouldn’t it be easier for you to search for it?
Hi there,
I am using WP-DBManager and have updated to the latest version.
All work fine but “E-mail database backup file to: email@adress” won’t send any Backup file.
With click on Email button it opens a blanc page and nothing happens.
Any idea what is going wrong?
Check your error_log to see if it helps, if not try WP-DBBackup as an alternative plugin.
How do you make the Polls Archive page, I get nothing when I click on the Archives link
Read the readme.html and look at the tabs on top.
thank you for that great plugin. will use it at my blog