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I have a bug, the link to pollarchive is always display, rather if I change the poll_archive_show option…
No parameter when you call display_polls_archive_link(); , it’s always true…
My solution:
$show_poll = get_option(‘poll_archive_show’);
Thanks for this plugin 😉
1522 $title = apply_filters(‘widget_title’, esc_attr($instance[‘title’]));
1523 $poll_id = intval($instance[‘poll_id’]);
1524 $display_pollarchive = intval($instance[‘display_pollarchive’]);
1525 echo $before_widget;
1526 if(!empty($title)) {
1527 echo $before_title.$title.$after_title;
1528 }
1529 get_poll($poll_id);
1530 if($display_pollarchive) {
1531 display_polls_archive_link();
1532 }
The widget is for individual poll, you can choose whether or not to show the link to poll archive for the individual poll widget.
hi, i am using your tricky widget, and want to translate some of them into Chinese, can i start with DBManager and DownloadManager? alex
I know you are busy, but the rich snippest for wp-postrating is not generated for pages, it’s working fine for posts but not PAGES. Could you please look into this ?
Done!, just redownload the plugin and overwrite the files.
I had a problem with the referrer error (poll results wouldn’t load) when I was using W3TotalCache, so I tried a fix that saaraan recommended at
…wrapping this php code with comment /* — */in wp-polls.php, solved in my case.
if(!check_ajax_referer(‘poll_’.$poll_id.’-nonce’, ‘poll_’.$poll_id.’_nonce’, false))
_e(‘Failed To Verify Referrer’, ‘wp-polls’);
If you run into problems, refer to
I tried the clearing-JS-css-cache tip and that did not help, and I disabled the JS-CSS caching in W3TotalCache also and that didn’t help either.
Can you try the default twentyeleven theme? Or you have a site URL, I would want to see the problem (not your fixed version)
your Plugins are great, I really love them. I used the wp-polls and wp-postratings ones. My question is: If it would possible to show the highest rating post in some way on a page or in a widget?
Keep up the great work!