WP-Polls & WP-DBManager Bumped to v2.60

I have release an update for both WP-Polls & WP-DBManager. There are no major changes just some bug fixes especially to get it working with WordPress 3.0 Multi-Site options. I will continue to roll that fix out to other plugins as well when I have more time. The reason I chose WP-Polls and WP-DBManager first because of the number of request to get it working with the MS option.

I have also point the latest working stable version to trunk because I will not be adding any new features but bug fixes along the way and hence I am the trunk will be stable.

WP-Polls Readme
Download WP-Polls

WP-DBManager Readme
Download WP-DBManager

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WordPress 3.0.1

WordPress 3.0.1 has been released.

After nearly 11 million downloads of WordPress 3.0 in just 42 days, we’re releasing WordPress 3.0.1.

This maintenance release addresses about 50 minor issues. The testing many of you contributed prior to the release of 3.0 helped make it one of the best and most stable releases we’ve had.

Changelog: WordPress 3.0.1
Download: WordPress 3.0.1
Download: Modified files since WordPress 3.0.0

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WordPress 3.0

WordPress 3.0 named “Thelonious” has been released.

WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow them to easily implement custom backgrounds, headers, shortlinks, menus (no more file editing), post types, and taxonomies. (Twenty Ten theme shows all of that off.) Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation. As a user, you will love the new lighter interface, the contextual help on every screen, the 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements, bulk updates so you can upgrade 15 plugins at once with a single click.

For a more comprehensive look at everything that has improved in 3.0 check out 3.0’s Codex page or the long list of issues in Trac.

Source: WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious”
Download: WordPress 3.0

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WordPress 3.0 RC1

WordPress 3.0 RC1 has been released just a day after WordPress crosses its 7th birthday!

Happy Birthday WordPress. I have been growing together with you for the past 6 years, unfortunately because of my full time job, I am unable to contribute to you after your 7th birthday! Sorry about that.

As Matt teased earlier, the first release candidate (RC1) for WordPress 3.0 is now available. What’s an RC? An RC comes after beta and before the final launch. It means we think we’ve got everything done: all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed. But, then, with over 20 million people using WordPress with a wide variety of configurations and hosting setups, it’s entirely possible that we’ve missed something. So! For the brave of heart, please download the RC and test it out (but not on your live site unless you’re extra adventurous). Some things to know:

  • Custom menus are finished! Yay!
  • Multi-site is all set.
  • The look of the WordPress admin has been lightened up a little bit, so you can focus more on your content.
  • There are a ton of changes, so plugin authors, please test your plugins now, so that if there is a compatibility issue, we can figure it out before the final release.
  • Plugin and theme *users* are also encouraged to test things out. If you find problems, let your plugin/theme authors know so they can figure out the cause.
  • There are a couple of known issues.

Download: WordPress 3.0 RC1

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