WP-Polls 2.20 Beta 1 Test

WP-Polls 2.20 Beta 1 is out the door. As usual, please do not run it on a live site as it is still in a beta stage. There are A LOT of changes between WP-Polls 2.14 and WP-Polls 2.20. 2 major ones are the implementation of polls that allow users to choose multiple answers and AJAX used in the administration panel.

I will try to capture screenshots for all of my plugins when I have the time to do so in addition to the live demo mainly because the administration panel cannot be shown. WP-Polls is the first plugin to get screenshoted.

Screenshots: http://www.lesterchan.net/wordpress/screenshots/browse/wp-polls/

WP-Polls 2.20 RC 1 has been released.

If you downloaded it, please feedback to me via the Support Forums or by email.

Thank You.

Support forums: http://forums.lesterchan.net
Make sure you are using WordPress 2.1 and NOT WordPress 2.0.x

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Total Voters And Total Votes

I have reviewed how Invision Board and vBulletin implemented their multiple answers poll and I have decided to use it on WP-Polls. As of now, there will be a new term called Total Voters. This term will contain the number of voters who voted for the poll.

If you are using a poll which allow single answer only, your Total Voters = Total Votes because 1 user can only choose 1 vote.

But if you have a poll which allows multiple answers to be selected, Total Voters will mean the total number of uses that voted for your poll and Total Votes will mean the total number of votes that has been casted on your poll.

For example, if a user selected 3 answers for the poll, the Total Voters will only be incremented by 1, but on the other hand, the Total Votes will be incremented by 3 because that user selected 3 answers.

If anyone of you need clearer explanation, just post it in the comments. Just give me 1 more week before I release WP-Polls 2.20 beta for testing.

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WP-Polls Multiple Options

I always wanted to implement this feature into WP-Polls, now I have finally done it. I think with this new feature, I am going to increase the version of WP-Polls straight to 2.20 instead of 2.15.

I will need people to test it before I release it out to the public. If you have some interest in it and love playing around with plugins, do me a favor and leave a comment in this post. Let me see what are the response like.

Thank you.

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WP-Polls 2.15 Beta Test

Just wondering if anyone of you here want to beta test WP-Polls 2.15? I need people to test it because the administration panel of WP-Polls has undergone a major change. But please do not use it on a live site as it is still a beta product.

If you downloaded it, please feedback to me via the Support Forums or by email.

Thank You.

UPDATE: Download: WP-Polls 2.20 Beta 1

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WP-Polls Administration Panel Update

I think it is time for me to update WP-Polls Administration Panel as the code hasn’t been change much since WordPress 1.5.2.

Things I have in mind:
» AJAX used for almost everything with the exception of Adding/Editing Poll and Uninstallation Of WP-Polls
» Adding Poll will have its own tab rather than in Manage Poll Tab
» Uninstall Poll will also have its own tab rather than in Manage Poll Tab

The deleting of polls under the Manage Poll Tab will be something like when you delete WordPress categories, those fanciful fading will be included =)

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