WordPress 2.9.1

WordPress 2.9.1 has been released.

This release addresses a handful of minor issues as well as a rather annoying problem where scheduled posts and pingbacks are not processed correctly due to incompatibilities with some hosts.

Changelog: WordPress 2.9.1
Download: WordPress 2.9.1
Download: Modified files since WordPress 2.9

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WP-PostRatings 1.31 Beta 1

WP-PostRatings is my only plugin left which still uses an external Javascript file in .php instead of .js.

Finally, I have gotten rid of .php and now the only two Javascript files in WP-PostRatings are in .js and best of all, they are packed using Dean Edward’s Packer. This will not only reduce the size of the Javascript file but also lessen the load on the server as .js files can be served as static files which requires no overhead in processing.


NEW: Renamed postratings-admin-js.php To postratings-admin-js.js and Move The Dynamic Javascript Variables To The PHP Pages
NEW: Renamed postratings-js.php To postratings-js.js and Move The Dynamic Javascript Variables To The PHP Pages
NEW: Uses postratings-js-packed.js And postratings-admin-js-packed.js

I need you guys to help me test WP-PostRatings 1.31 to ensure that it is working like normal as before.

Upgrading from WP-PostRatings 1.30 to WP-PostRatings 1.31 Beta 1 is very easy, just overwrite all the files will do. You do not need to run anything.

Thank You

PS: I have upgraded this site to WP-PostRatings 1.31 Beta 1, if there is any bug in the rating systems do let me know.

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WordPress 3.1.1

WordPress 3.1.1 has been released.

This maintenance and security release fixes almost thirty issues in 3.1, including:

  • Some security hardening to media uploads
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixes for IIS6 support
  • Fixes for taxonomy and PATHINFO (/index.php/) permalinks
  • Fixes for various query and taxonomy edge cases that caused some plugin compatibility issues

Version 3.1.1 also addresses three security issues discovered by WordPress core developers Jon Cave and Peter Westwood, of our security team. The first hardens CSRF prevention in the media uploader. The second avoids a PHP crash in certain environments when handling devilishly devised links in comments, and the third addresses an XSS flaw.

We suggest you update to 3.1.1 promptly. Download 3.1.1 or update automatically from the Dashboard ? Updates menu in your site’s admin area.

Changelog: WordPress 3.1.1
Download: WordPress 3.1.1
Download: Modified files since WordPress 3.1

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WordPress 2.0.6

WordPress 2.0.6 has been released and it will be the last release before WordPress 2.1 comes out of the door. And of course I just updated this site to WordPress 2.0.6.

My new download plugin shall be called WP-DownloadManager after suggested by Giovanni Putignano and looking through the names of download scripts listed in HotScripts.

I received emails from some of my users regarding a more advanced ratings system and comments rating system. If I have the time in May to August (my summer holidays), I will jump to it.

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WP-Polls 2.61

I have released WP-Polls 2.61 which fixes a code injection via “HTTP Referrer” and affects users who are on WP-Polls 2.60 only.

I also took this chance to port the readme.html to the proper readme.txt which WordPress.org is using and now you can see all the details of WP-Polls right from the plugins page itself regardless if it is from your WP-Admin or WordPress.org.

All users should upgrade now

Vulnerability discovered by + Props to:

Dweeks, Leon Juranic and Chad Lavoie of the Swiftwill Security Team (www.swiftwill.com)

Download: WP-Polls 2.61

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