I was seeded with the tado Smart AC Control for review. Similar to my previous review of the Moto 360 (2nd Generation), I will split this review into two posts. The first post (this post) being the unboxing and setup and the second post will be about the experience using tado Smart AC Control.
In Singapore, tado Smart AC Control is being distributed by Aerahaus Smart and right now you can only get it online from Aerahaus Online Store. tado Smart AC Control is designed and made in Munich, Germany. If you bought the set from Aerahaus Online Store, it will come with a 2 years local warranty and support from Aerahaus Smart.
Disclaimer: I was gifted a subscription of ExpressVPN in exchange for this post. This post was written by Guy Miller, Webmaster at AccessUSNetflix.com.
Netflix is now available in almost every territory, after being launched in an additional 130 countries on January 7, 2016.
I have been using the Moto 360 (Second Generation) instead of my Apple Watch for almost two weeks now. I do miss my Apple Watch just a little. Perhaps, the only little thing that I missed about from the Apple Watch is the ability to act on notifications.
Thanks for the Christmas present Lenovo! I was seeded with the Moto 360 (Second Generation). I chose the Large 46mm with Cognac Leather which retails for S$549 in Singapore.
The Synology Router RT1900ac is Synology’s first router. It is targeted at the mid-range router market and hence it’s retail price is S$234US$149 (S$210). It started selling in Singapore on 6th October 2015. I will update this post again when I have the actual retail price in Singapore rather than using the currency conversion from the official retail price in USD.
For the unaware, Synology makes one of the best NAS in the market especially for the prosumer market. I personally owned three Synology NASes, DS210j, DS413j and DS415play.
I got my hands on the Freefly VR thanks to my friend, Stephen. Freefly VR is a mobile VR headset that uses your mobile phone for the VR experience. The screen as the VR screen and your phone’s speaker for the audio.
This differs from normal VR headsets like the Oculus Rift and Razer OSVR because both of them have an in-built screen and audio system but relies on your computer for the VR experience.
The ASUS RT-AC88U was launched in Singapore at SITEX 2015. SITEX is a consumer lifestyle IT event in Singapore and is usually the last major IT event for the year. It is always held at Singapore Expo and this year, the event took place from Thursday, 26th November 2015 till Sunday, 29th November 2015.
The retail price of the ASUS RT-AC88U Router is S$429.
Fallout 4 will be released in two weeks time on the 10th November 2015.
To coincide with the launch of Fallout 4, minifiglabs.com has released a Vault Boy inspired minifig together with a bottle cap accessory inspired by Nuka-Cola.