WordPress 2.6.1

WordPress 2.6.1 has been released and it is a very minor release. Not security flaws has been found and hence WordPress 2.6.1 is not a security fix so if you are comfortable with WordPress 2.6 like me, you don’t have to upgrade.

2.6.1 offers several improvements for international users. Styling of the admin for right-to-left languages is much improved thanks to the efforts of the Farsi and Hebrew translation teams, and a mysterious gettext bug caused by certain PHP configurations is now fixed. For IIS users, 2.6.1 fixes several permalink problems. Image insertion problems in the Press This feature experienced by IE users are also fixed. Of note to everyone is a fix for a performance bug in the admin where those with a lot of plugins would experience slowness on some pages.

I am so looking forward to WordPress 2.7 as lots of features which are available as plugin will be built into the core.

Download WordPress 2.6.1

*UPDATE* I decided to upgrade to stopped the nagging upgrading message to appear.

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13 thoughts on “WordPress 2.6.1”

  1. I decided to upgrade to stopped the nagging upgrading message to appear.

    Ahahah! I have upgraded because of the same reason! πŸ˜€

  2. Hi Lester,

    Yeah, after a couple of weeks of the nagging line I also upgraded. I do remember though that with WP 2.3.3 (when they introduced the “nagging-line-feature” I deleted it from the core files. Since it seems that there is a wordpress update every few weeks now (and some with security fixes) I couldn’t be bothered to look for it again, hence the upgrade….

  3. hey i’ve got some error, while using wp 2.6.1 together with your WP-Print, WP-PostRatings and wp-relativedate plugins…all the newest versions…

    the error is really simple: the plugin-page in the backend doesn’t load…it’s only white…have you an idea how to fix it?
    please email me…

    greetz from berlin/ germany!

  4. wow, now i know the problem….with the help of my provider and some tipps from the wordpress forum πŸ˜‰

    your WP-PostRatings needs more MB than i have πŸ˜‰

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