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Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins
Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins Development Blog
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Congrats to you Lester Chan. I love your amazing WordPress Plugins – a beautiful hard work. I used almost your plugin for my own sites and very loved. Thanks a lot.
Thanks. i love you plugin 🙂
I use most of the top 10 plugins. I think “wordpress by yoast” is better than “all in one seo pack”.
Nice work – top 5 is a great acheivement. Anyone using WP regularly will recognize this list of plugins immediately. Looks like you’re moving up on no.4!
Nice job Lester, i will use your Plugin Wp-Page Navi in some of my 50+ WP-Installations
Nice wp plugins realy you are great..
Thank you sir for sharing this one free.. I already use it on my blog.. But I’m having problem with the new updates it doesn’t work well on my theme.
7M is awesome! Why not put a donation box on the downloading page? I saw many plugin developer did this.
Hope you can tweak the default twenty eleven theme a bit. The site content deserves a better looking theme.:)
I did
I need the default theme to prove to users that my plugin does work =)
Hi Lester. I also want to thank you for all your plugins, 18 of them I think. Is one of the greatest things to share with the people.