I have updated all my plugins readme and added a nice index page to the readme directory as you can see here: http://www.lesterchan.net/wordpress/readme/. All ready for the launch of WordPress 2.1. All my plugins are zipped and waiting to be uploaded and overwritten to the ftp directory.
But nevertheless I hope WordPress 2.1 will be launched on 1st February 2007, so that I can have enough time to update my print and email plugin. They DO WORK for WordPress 2.1, I just want to internationalize it so that they can be translated easily. All my plugins are now internationalize.
If have translated any of them, feel free to attach the .po and .mo file to me. I will then upload to the /i8n/ folder of the respective plugin of the CVS. Take WP-Polls i8n folder for example: http://dev.wp-plugins.org/browser/wp-polls/i18n