

Iluma is one of the newest shopping center in town which is near Bugis MRT Station. It is located in between Queen Street and Victoria Street. It is quite huge and have 5 levels. I don’t think there is any basement level. I can’t seem to find a link to the official website.

Coffee Bean, Nichi Fashion City, Comics Connection, Pasta De Waraku, Thai Express, Asian Kitchen and many more are already opened for business. Nevertheless, the shopping center is still quite empty. In particular the lower levels shops are all not occupied. Come across this interesting shop called Otaku House, which sells cosplay clothes as well as Japanese Anime collectibles. There is also a new cinema at Iluma is called Film Garde, which if I am not mistaken also operates a cinema in Kallang Leisure Park.

View From Queen Street
View From Queen Street

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WordPress For Dummies 2nd Edition

Placed an order for my copy of WordPress For Dummies 2nd Edition by Lisa from Amazon on 5th April 2009. Accordingly to Amazon, the estimated delivery date should be on the 12th May 2009, but I guess Amazon overestimated by a lot as I received it in my letterbox today on the 16th April 2009. It took less than 2 weeks to reach me! Nice job Amazon.

Price Breakdown
Book: US$15.74
Shipping: US$9.98
Total: US$25.72
Total: S$38.58 (US$25.72 x 1.50)

Amazon Box
Amazon Box

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Tampines 1 Blogger Mall Tour & Meet Together Session

I was at the Tampines 1 blogger mall tour and meet together session together with Li Xiang. The meeting time was 2pm, but we are slightly late a little. I apologized for that. We met at level 6 which is at the management office. Upon reaching level 5, we realized that there is no way up to level 6 as the lift button and escalator to level 6 was disabled. The only way up is from service stairs.

On the first day, an estimated 111,000 people visited Tampines 1 and on second day it rose to 143,000. All shopping malls are equipped with a human traffic counter at the top of all glass door entrances. I didn’t know about it actually. If you happen to note it next time, it is actually a little black box often mistaken as a sensor.The tour started from level 5 all the way to basement 1. Due to time constraint, we only visited certain stores.

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SingTel Huawei E180 Modem

I was trying my luck by dropping Ivy aka Nanyate from Singtel an email to see if I can purchase the Singtel Huawei E180 Modem directly from Singtel at a discounted rate. But to my surprise, Singtel decided to give it to me for free. Thank you Ivy! Thank you Singtel!

My Singtel Huawei E180 Modem arrived on Thursday, 9th April 2009.

Singtel Huawei E180 Modem Box - Front View
Singtel Huawei E180 Modem Box – Front View

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Mirroring Files + Databases From DirectAdmin To cPanel

I am hosting on ex-FRRO shared/reseller server, now it can be considered a dedicated server that I am sharing together with Michael Feng. I have also a shared hosting account with a dedicated IP sponsored by Vodien Internet Solutions (which has excellent and fast customer service by the way). The FRRO server is using DirectAdmin while Vodien uses cPanel.

I have been Googling for days to find a way to replicate my files and databases from DirectAdmin (FRRO) To cPanel (Vodien) on a daily basis, but unfortunately I can’t find a way to do it. So I decided to think out of the box/back to basic and not do use DirectAdmin to cPanel but rather use rsync and mysqldump from one server to another.

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SingTel Delivers Nokia Messaging To Singapore Consumers

Just got this press release in my mailbox yesterday.

What Is Nokia Messaging?
Nokia Messaging makes mobile email easy and mobilizes consumer email across a range of Nokia S60 devices. Nokia Messaging enables users to quickly set up, access, and use their email on their Nokia devices through a service that is optimized for mobile email. For more information, check out the Nokia Messaging FAQ.

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Canon First Blogger Event

I am a Canon fan so does my family and Li Xiang. I prefer Canon for digital cameras over any other brands. I was invited to the first Canon’s blogger event at Screening Room which they unveil a full range of updated IXUS and PowerShot series digital cameras as well as a new series of Camcorders called Legria. In additional, there is also a new model to the EOS series, the Canon EOS 500D. Currently I am using the Canon IXUS 860IS which is kinda outdated, thinking of getting the Canon EOS 50D soon.

Wong Li Lin is there at the event as well as she is the official ambassador for Canon.

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