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Reminder: iLike.iLink & X-Box Xtravanganz Contest
Just a reminder, the iLike.iLink & X-Box Xtravanganz Contest will end on the 27th July 2009 (11 days left).
iLike. iLink Contest
The contest will end on 27th July 2009. To take part in this contest, you just need to do 3 simple things:
Infocomm123 iLike.iLink Contest
I will be endorsing Infocomm123‘s iLike.iLink Contest as well as the X-Box Xtravanganza from the 8th July 2009 till the 27th July 2009. I would need to blog one post every 3 to 4 days during this period.
Let me introduce three things in this post: