My Plugins Compatibility With WordPress 2.5

Below is a list of my plugins in development that WILL work with WordPress 2.5. The reason why I consolidated it here is because the current version of the listed plugins does not work properly with WordPress 2.5.

For the remaining plugins, see also Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins June 2008 Update (Wave 1).

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113 thoughts on “My Plugins Compatibility With WordPress 2.5”

  1. maybe bad karma well it works now many thx for this wonderful plugin :), do you do also freelance work in this area? Creating custom plugins etc?

  2. I noticed while adding the plugin to a client’s website that you call the function htmlspecialchars_decode() in the beta version of the wp-email plugin. Unfortunately, this is not available in older versions of PHP.

    If you are set on having the functionality, you may add the following into your plugin to duplicate it. (I add it in all my plugins that need the function.)

    if (!function_exists("htmlspecialchars_decode")) { /* PHP 4 support. I like this function.*/
    function htmlspecialchars_decode($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) {
    return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style)));

  3. Yea I took it out as I thought many of you have at least PHP5. But then I realised most of you all are still on PHP4. I think it is time to ask your host to upgrade to PHP 5.

  4. Gamerz –

    Thanks for the great plugins. I wanted to let you know that your ratings plug works fine in my WP 2.5 self install. IS there some hidden problem that crops up later?

  5. @Mike I don’t think so as no one reported to me anything yet, but I still have 1 more feature to add in before the final release.

  6. wordpress ratings doesn’t work:
    The requested URL /wordpress/wp-admin/wp-postratings/postratings-manager.php was not found on this server.

    And it’s there!
    But if i come from an other plugin like ‘instruction manual’ it does find the url but it doesn’t find any ratings…. (there are 7 ratings on my site)

  7. Out of the box, the download manager’s downloads page doesn’t work with 2.5

  8. The wording of this post is confusing because first you say this is the list of compatible plugins then under the list you say if a plugin isn’t on that list it is compatible!
    I use the Post Views plugin and I like it thanks.

  9. Dear GaMerZ,

    I installed the plugin WP-Polls 2.30 into my WordPress 2.5-blog. The poll is working fine, untill I enable WP-Cache 2.1.2.

    While WP Cache enabled, the poll keeps showing up (and not the results). How can I make WP-Polls work correctly with WP-Cache enabled?

    I would really appreciate your help, because I can’t figure out how to make this works.

    Thank you!

  10. GaMerZ. I haven’t found a solution for the WP-Cache problem yet.

    I have a question. Is it possible to change the interface of the results-screen that shows up when someone has already voted?

    When someone votes, the result-interface shows up (without the possibility to return to the poll itself). If this result-interface is cached by WP Cache, others don’t get the chance to vote. Is it possible to create a link such as ‘Vote for this poll’ bewlow this final result-interface?

    I would really like to know how to do that!

    Thanks in advance.

  11. Wow. How did you create the way the comments appear on your blog? It’s really cool.

  12. Bob: This is the default behaviour, by default after user voted or already voted, the result screen will appear. I would suggest disable WP-Cache then you will see the normal behaviour of wp-polls.

  13. I was very disappointed to see that the WP-Email plugin is not suited for the WordPress 2.5 upgrade. Therefore I did a little research. I may have found a solution that allows me to email without a problem on one of my sites I’m still developing. Yet, since it is still in the development stage, I thought I would share the info with you and see what you think…

    When I tried to run the plugin it kept saying that there was an undefined function in the “add_shortcode” just under the notes “### Function: Short Code For Inserting Email Links Into Posts/Pages.” I deleted that line and then uploaded the wp-email.php file.

    Also, I was reading the Migration page at and noticing that under the Admin screens there is a bit of code that I added to the Email Administration Menu that is needed for WordPress 2.5. I added:

    if (function_exists(‘add_meta_box’)) {
    // 2.5 logic, calling add_meta_box to define the screen
    } else {
    // 2.3 logic, calling add_action( ‘dbx_post_advanced’ ) or similar

    the Administration Menu and it seems to work.

    Finally, I noticed that the image verification only works if you type lowercase letters even though they are capitalized in the picture. Otherwise I get an “instantiate” error. Well I hope this helps someone.


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