Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer
Caught this movie last Sunday at GV VivoCity, it was a 12:00pm show, been a long time since I caught a afternoon show, and they were LOTS of kids in the cinema and as usual with kids come noises, but when the show starts, they kept quiet, looks like their parents did their job well.
The show was average, storyline does not follow the comics and the special effects was disappointing. I will not elaborate much as I afraid I will be the spoiler.
Shrek 3
Caught Shrek 3 2 weeks ago at GV VivoCity, it was a Friday midnight show and I asked LiXiang if she was tired because she was the one who suggested to watch a movie on that day. But her nickname “sleepy” lives up to her reputation, she felt asleep before the movie starts while they are airing the advertisements. I think after that, she woke up every now and then to catch a glimpse of the movie. Poor dear.
I watched Shrek 1 and Shrek 2 before and I can say that Shrek 3 was not a bad sequel and it is definitely better than Spideman 3 or even POTC 3.
» CS1105 Computing and Society A- » CS2250 Fundamentals of Information Systems B- » CS2261 Enterprise Systems Development B+ » EC1301 Principles of Economics C+ » FNA1002X FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING B » CAP: 3.35
Caught Next last week at GV VivoCity, the movie was not bad, slightly above average. My eyes was glued to the big screen practically throughout the whole movie, it was quite a action packed flim. Next movie I am going to watch is POTC 3: At World’s End at GV VivoCity also, I got 4 free tickets thanks to my mom and OCBC =D
Been busy doing lots of web programming, both for my freelance job and WordPress plugins. I hope I can finished my freelance job ASAP and get the rest of the money (60%). 40% was paid to me upfront. My client is quite good, he did the design and I did the programming and translating psd layout to xhtml layout. And the changes that he made are always very minor. I can’t stand those noob clients who keep changing and changing and those changes are major changes, we are talking about layout and not typos/font/alignment/position. Screw them.
If you want to know what flavor you Anything/Whatever drink is, look at the ingredients label because the manufacturer is required to state the ingredients of that specific can of drink by Singapore law.
28 Weeks Later
Caught 28 Weeks Later at The Cathay, it is my first time watching movie there and the building is confusing and the carpark is bloody cramp and small. GV VivoCity still rocks.
Anyway, the show was quite average only, I think 28 Days Later was better, I wonder will there be 28 Months Later. It was not really a scary show but LiXiang being a penguin was scared to death and could not sleep the whole night. Don’t see her so fierce, but actually she is timid and the only thing she is not scared of is me!
Spiderman 3
Caught Spiderman 3 at Lido with LiXiang and her friends after eating a Sushi buffet from Suki Sushi which is located at Cineleisure level 4. I think it will be my first and last time eating at Suki Sushi because the food there sucks. Sakae Sushi is so much better. I think among all the budget sushi eatery outlets, Sakae Sushi is still the best.
Spiderman 3 was damn boring, the action part was so short and plain, Spiderman 2 was way better. Lets hope if there is a Spiderman 4 it will be good. Because from my point of view, Spiderman 1 sucks, Spiderman 2 was ok, Spiderman 3 sucks and Spiderman 4 should be ok.
My exams are FINALLY OVER, never in life I am so stress about exams except in NUS. The competition is so high and the students here are like 10x smarter than you, which makes you 10x stupider.
My dad bought a NEW LCD TV. When my dad told me about it, I thought he was joking because he is seldom serious. I did not believe it till my mom show me the receipt from Best Denki. It is a Samsung 32″ inch LCD HD TV (LA32R71B). I think they are cleaning stocks as the model was quite outdated and they are selling for $1299, if I am not wrong and there are only 10 sets available per Best Denki outlet. This is the first time my family have bought a TV, my house got like 4 tvs and all 4 of them are either given by us or bought with gift vouchers. Even the first tv my family got was given by my uncle.
My parents bought for my brother and I each a King Coil queen size bed. Our previous bed lasted us for 10 years and the bed frame lasted us for 16 years. The queen size bed cost about $500+ each and it came last Wednesday.
As the bed is pretty big and in order not to make my room looks cramp, I did a major rearrangement to all the furnitures in my room (CD rack, bookshelves, study table, computer table and television stand). I got rid of my old Ikea television stand and bought a new stand from Ikea for $19. I just love Ikea furnitures, it is cheap, good and nice looking. Who cares whether or not it is lasting because you will not use it for that long either. My mom also got 2 executive chairs for us to replace our old chair which lasted for more than 5 years.
Queued up for the doughnuts at Vinco The Donut Parlour which is located at 2nd level of VivoCity before our movie. We queued for like 20 minutes and the doughnuts sucks. It taste so not fluffy and I think the doughnut went on diet. It is overhyped and we are queuing for the inefficiency of the management. Only 1 patethic sales person serving a long queue and there are like 6 people in the kitchen. The sales person has to go in the kitchen to check whether has a certain flavor of doughnut been made yet, so she will make at least 2 to 3 trips per customer, walking in, walking out. And while she is in the kitchen, the customer is there waiting. I can’t think of a better phrase to describe this than “a single core”. I think the management need to wake up its idea.
Caught Fracture on Sunday evening at GV Vivocity, the show is just average, as what LiXiang said, it is a silent triller, but often I think ahead of the movie like the outcome and in the case of this movie, it is quite predictable.